Chapter 27

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I walked out of the guest room with a nice dress on. I walked into the kitchen to see Dimitri was there waiting. There was something that looked like a coat resting on a chair. I walked over to it and examined it.

"What is this?" I asked Dimitri.

"Something my father wants me to wear," he said and walked over to it. He was wearing an all black suit apart from his tie, which was blue. He grabbed the coat and threw it over his shoulders. I now realized it was sort of like a cape. Maybe a cloak even.

"My grandfather wore this when he was the next heir. When he was appointed to leader of Faerghus, he gave it to my father to wear. However, my father did not wish to wear it and when I was younger, I always wanted to wear it because I thought it was cool."

I smiled at him, "It looks pretty big."

He took it off his shoulders and placed it around mine. It draped over me like how an over sized blanket would. The fur tickled the sides of my cheek and reached down to my neck. The blue cloth had enveloped me.

"This reminds me of a parka," I said. "It's so big! I like this."

He chuckled and I handed it back to him. He placed it back over his shoulders and we walked out of the apartment building. There was someone already there waiting for us. There was even a limo. We got in and they drove us towards the heart of Faerghus. 

When we arrived at the main building, we got out of the car and headed inside. Dimitri and I walked in and saw his father talking with Klaus. 

"Ah, there you are. I was worrying you wouldn't arrive in time," Lambert said.

"I would never miss this special event, father," Dimitri said.

"Ah, Y/N. Wonderful to see you again," Lambert said and shook my hand.

"It's so nice to see you, Mr. Blaiddyd."

"Please, just call me Lambert," he said. 

"Lambert, we need to get going," Klaus said.

"Right, well I'm sure I will see you two at the celebration party."

Lambert and Klaus walked out of the room and into another room.

"Shall we head out, my beloved?" Dimitri asked and raised his arm. I smiled at him and locked arms with him. We walked out of the room and a guard led us to where the balcony was. We sat down and we looked down at the ground below us.

"This could be you in the future," I said.

"I could never be the leader of Faerghus," Dimitri said.

"I think you would be a great leader," I leaned into him. 

He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

Klaus walked out onto the balcony and raised his hand to silence the crowd.

"Welcome, people of Faerghus. I want to thank you all for coming out in this fair morning to witness the passing of the torch. I have been a great leader of Faerghus for quite sometime. It is time I step down and relax of what little years I have left here in Fodlan. I do not want to be somber on a joyous day! Some of you may worry about Lambert taking the chair, but I assure you, he will follow in my footsteps and will continue walking down the path I had made for Faerghus. But before we get on with the ceremony, I want to bear some news to all of you. 

"We all have heard that Dimitri and Y/N were successful in their capture of Edelgard of Adrestian. Commander Byleth has taken the helm of the company, but people of Adrestian are left without a leader. That is why Byleth is not only going to run Adrestian now, but will take the mantle of the Black Eagles Manufacturing. With that said, we will now have peace and prosperity throughout the three great areas of Fodlan. And we will have no ongoing feuds between the steel companies. Now, we shall get started with the ceremony."

Lambert came out onto the balcony and waved to everyone. He turned to his father and knelt onto one knee. A guard came over to Klaus with a pillow. There was a crown on the pillow. It shimmered in the sunlight. Klaus carefully picked up the crown and raised it into the air.

"I, Klaus the I, hands over the mantle of leader of Faerghus to Lambert Blaiddyd. For he may lead Faerghus down a bright future."

Klaus placed the crown on Lambert's head. Lambert stood up and looked to the crowd. 

"I will continue to make Faerghus a better place. We will continue to be the wonderful area we are," Lambert said.

The crowd cheered and clapped for Lambert.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new leader of Faerghus, I give you, Lambert!"

Dimitri and I stood up and clapped for his father. His father waved to everyone and we all walked off the balcony. Klaus led Lambert down a hall and a guard led us towards a room. Inside the room were tables aligned in a row. There were a few people in there, such as a few of Klaus's relatives, workers, and there was Claude and Byleth. I walked over to Byleth.

"Congrats on being leader of Adrestian," I said to Byleth.

"It's a pain to be a leader and the head of a company," Byleth sighed. "I haven't slept in days."

"Not to mention you're Faerghus's best commander," Dimitri said.

Byleth chuckled, "Add that one to the list."

"You'll do great, Byleth."

"I hope I do. Adrestian is getting used to my leadership."

"How are they liking the plans we have come up with?" Dimitri asked.

"The people who have their homes destroyed are loving it since they have a new place to live. The injured are more than appreciative with their compensation. Overall, it seems Adrestian is becoming more and more welcoming to Faerghus and Leicester too."

"That's good," I said.

"It's great. The three areas have never been this close in a long time."

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