Chapter 35

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"D-Dimitri," I breathed out as his lips attached to my neck. He wanted to waste no time after the reception was over. It was quite a long one since nobody wanted to leave. And also Claude was basically running the party since he was the party animal. The same went with Ingrid. Those two were the highlight of the night.

I could feel his tongue glide across my skin as he searched for my sweet spot. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from moaning too loudly. I mean, there was no one in this side of the capital building other than us, but I still felt like we were in our apartment. I snaked my arms around his neck and ran my hands through the back of his hair. It was so soft and light, as if I was rubbing my hands across a blanket. He started to nip at my skin, but the nipping turned into biting. He had found my sweet sport which was my collarbone.

"D-Dimitri," I moaned.

He left hickeys here and there across my neck and to my collarbone. He looked longingly up at me. He had a satisfied smile on his face. He leaned towards me, placing his hands against the wall, pinning me to it. There was a low growl emitting from his throat as he got closer to my ear. 

"Bed. Now," he whispered seductively. He gave a little kiss against my ear before nibbling my earlobe. 

I smirked and pulled my arms away from his head. I found the two clasps that held his cape together. I undid them and threw his cape off and onto the ground. I grab him by his shoulders and push him towards the bed. He stumbled backwards and fell down. I leaned over him, smiling at him. He smiled up at me and ran his hair through my H/C hair. 

"I knew you were strong, but damn, that was pretty strong," he commented. 

"Strong enough to make you hard," I said and slowly grinded my waist against his. I could feel himself getting harder with every thrust. 

I placed my lips roughly onto his. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, pleading for entrance. I denied playfully, making him angry. He reached down and tightly groped my chest. I moaned, letting his tongue slide across mine. His went over top of mine while mine went underneath his. While we both explored one another, his hand went from my chest down to my waist. He pulled away, leaving a small trail of saliva attaching to our lips. He tongue glided across his bottom lip, breaking the trail. He sat up slightly only to take off his blazer, tie, and shirt.

"May I?" he asked and reached behind me.

I nodded, letting his hand trail down my back, finding the top of the zipper to my dress. He slowly slid down the zipper. He reached back up and slid the dress from my shoulders. Underneath my dress I was wearing a white tank top and black spandex shorts. I stepped out from the dress and Dimitri moved further up the bed. 

I tried to get back on top of him, but he grabbed my shoulders and flipped positions. His hair draped down like they were curtains. I reached up and tried to grab his eye patch, but he moved his head away. I looked sincerely into at him and tried again. This time, he let me take it off. I looked at the scars that ran down his eye. 

"Does it hurt to open it?"

He slowly opened it. It wasn't the normal gray or pale looking color. What was behind the eye patch was a dull color of his once vivid and bright blue. 

"I wish I can see you with this eye," he whispered.

"You don't have to see me to know I am here."

He smiled and planted a small kiss on my forehead before returning to matters at hand. He pulled at the bottom of my tank top, asking for permission. I allowed and he slipped the shirt over my head. He kissed my stomach before trailing back up to my neck. He moved his hand down to my side and behind my back. He unclasped my bra and slid it from my shoulders. He kissed my neck lightly before making his way down to my left side. He enveloped it in his warm mouth, letting his tongue swirl around in circles. While he was doing that, he pinched and rolled his fingers around my right side. He switched sides and did the same treatment to my right side. 

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