Chapter 41

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I jolted upwards, panting as I stared at the black abyss that surrounded me. I sighed and pressed my palm against my forehead. I slightly shook my head, feeling a strong pain coming from my calf and my midsection. I was due any day now and that vision was getting stronger and stronger. I was doing what Sothis had told me and yet, I still have these strong visions. Maybe it's something the baby is doing in the future and I can't control it. Or maybe Dimitri isn't getting the right help he say he's getting. I turned and looked at his peaceful figure. I sighed and laid back down, trying to get some rest.

"What am I doing wrong?" I yelled.

Sothis shook her head, "I don't know. I gave you everything you needed to do and yet, your life could end within a year or so."

"They're strong, but they're not as strong as they were when I was in the war."

"That means it's going to happen soon. I don't know how soon, but be prepared, Y/N."

"How can I be prepared if I have no damn clue when it's coming!" I felt a pain in my stomach. 

"Is everything alright, Y/N?"

"I'll see you later, Sothis."

"Dimitri!" I yelled and shook him awake.

He sprang upwards and looked over at me. He yawned and rubbed his eye, "Y/N? What's the matter, my beloved?"

"Baby's coming," I said.

"Oh," he said calmly. "OH SHIT!" He yelled in realization. 

He got up, put on a shirt, and helped me up. We walked out of the room and Dimitri ran to get the car in front of the capital building. A guard came over and helped me down to the front. Dimitri ran in and helped me into the car. He drove like a mad man to get to the hospital before anything major happened. He helped me into the hospital and a nurse came over to help me. She helped me into a hospital bed and a few doctors came in. All I had now was contractions. I laid on the bed and watched as the minutes turned into hours. It was two in the morning and I was already feeling tired. Dimitri was out cold next to me. His head was resting on the side of the bed, but his hand never left mine. I smiled as I watched how peaceful he was. If only he could stay this peaceful. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I tightly grabbed his hand and he sprang upwards. He looked concerned at me.

"I think its coming," I breathed out.

"I'll get the doctors," he said and ran out of the room. The pain was becoming more and more constant. I could feel every little kick the baby had. Dimitri ran back into the room and a doctor and his team of nurses were there to aid me. Dimitri rushed back over to my side and held onto my hand.

"It's a boy!" the doctor said happily.

Tears were running down my face as I looked at our son. He could be the key to saving his father and me. Dimitri walked over, cut the umbilical cord, and the doctors cleaned him off. They swaddled him up and handed me him. I looked down at him. He was so small and so fragile. His hand wrapped around my one finger. Another tear streamed down my face as I hugged him gently.

"What is his name?" the doctors asked.

"Alexander," Dimitri said.

"Alexander Blaiddyd. Has a nice ring to it."

"He'll be called Xander for short," Dimitri said.

"Congrats you two," the doctor said and walked out of the room.

"Do you want to hold him, Dimitri?"

He looked down at his hands for a moment and slightly shook his head. "I'm afraid of my strength."

"It'll be alright," I said and held him out for Dimitri to take. He gently held onto Xander from that moment on. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at his son. He looked over at me and kissed my forehead.

"See? You're alright," I said.

"I know," he said. "Thank you."

I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I see you two got to work," Claude said.

Dimitri face palmed while I just chuckled. I was currently holding Xander, but Claude looked like he wanted to hold him.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked Claude.

"May I?"

I handed him Xander and Claude took him. It had been about a year since he was born. Slowly, Dimitri was becoming like how I saw him in my vision. He was slowly starting to lose himself. I try to ask him what was wrong, but he refuses to answer. Sure, he takes care of Xander, but he's not really there because of what he needs to do with the role as leader. I wish he would tell me what is going on inside his head. 

"Hi, there," Claude said as he held Xander. Xander seemed to take an interest in Claude. "Hi, Xander."

"Claude, how have you been?" Dimitri asked.

"I've been doing just wonderful. But I am a bit stressed about the big day today," he said. Xander turned towards Dimitri and held his arms out. "Seems like someone wants their daddy." Claude handed Xander to Dimitri, who happily took him.

"Da," Xander said.

"Can he talk yet?" Claude asked.

"Only small words like that," I said. "That is about all he says. So far he has ma and da."

"Can he walk?"

"Slightly," I said. "He can only walk about a few feet before falling over. Dimitri is teaching him how to."

Claude smiled, "Well, you two are going to be great parents to him."

"And you're going to be a great leader," Dimitri said.

Claude chuckled, "I don't believe I will."

"I think you can do it, Claude. As long as a few people believe in you, you can believe in yourself."

Claude smiled, "Thank you."

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