Chapter 38

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"YES!" Dimitri yelled and threw up his hands. I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back. He kissed the top of my head and rested his head on top of mine. He rested a hand on my stomach. "I can't believe it."

"You're going to make one fine father, Dimitri."

"You're going to be a wonderful mother," he hugged me tightly. 

"Sorry about the sudden cancellation," I said to Byleth.

"Don't be. I understand Y/N was under the weather and you wanted to look after her. I get that."

"I know this is an odd question, Byleth, but have you found someone to call your own?"

"I did once, but she slipped from my hands. She went with someone else. Now, I just focus on teaching the next generation of soldiers. I know we are in no need of soldiers since I run Adrestian and Duke Reigan of Leicester are on good terms with both of us. But we can never be too sure if there was a small pocket of people in Adrestian who revolt."

"Speaking of the people, how are they? I know our plans of compensation have been fulfilled. Are they all alright?"

"They are loving the new Adrestian we have established. The people there are even offering to help us rebuild the structures."

"That is wonderful news," I said.

"They all want to forget the turmoil that was caused between us. They want to remember Faerghus as the neighboring area that helped end their suffering and helped build them up. Literally."

I chuckled, "Keep up the good work, Byleth. Seems like we're all becoming better leaders."

"And what about you, Dimitri?"

"What about me?"

"How is life in the capital building? Surely it's a step up from your apartment."

"It is, but I kind of liked the simple apartment. Now that we have so many rooms in here, I can't tell them apart. I need to start labeling them until I know where everything is." 

Byleth chuckled, "I'm sure that will help."

"But even our room that Y/N and I share is three times the size of our apartment. Our room alone is about the size of our apartment. I kind of wish that I wasn't the leader of Faerghus. I know my bloodline were leaders of Faerghus, but I don't feel right in this position."

"What position did you feel right in? The head of a company? A soldier? Or how about, a father?" Byleth asked and sipped his tea he was drinking. 

"How do you know?"

Byleth smirked, "One of the guards might of told me he heard some extra loud things the night of your wedding. It was a given, Dimitri." He said after he saw the expression on my face. "No one told me. I just assumed that you two would have children. You know, to keep the bloodline going."

"To be honest, I'm not sure if I wanted to have kids with anyone else. Y/N just feels right to be my wife and to be the bearer of our children. It wouldn't feel right if it was someone else."

"I understand your point. I know how much you love her. It was shown when you two were training. And I know about your little mishap."


"One of the soldiers who was in your bunk told me you were not there one night."

"Oh, that mishap."

"Care to explain?"

"Y/N was having nightmares and she just wasn't comfortable being in that house by herself since she was the only female soldier. So I had offered to stay with her that night and comfort her if she needed me."

Byleth smiled and slowly nodded his head, "You're always one to comfort. I like that about you, Dimitri. You look cold and harsh on the outside, but you're like a teddy bear on the inside."

I smiled at him, "Thank you, Byleth."

"Now I can't punish you since you are not currently under my command and I am on your territory," he joked. "But I will tell you to keep being yourself, Dimitri. If Y/N fell in love with one thing about you, she fell in love with who you are. She could care less if you were the leader of Faerghus. She could care less if you were the head of the Blue Lion's Company. Hell, she could care less if you were some man on the street. She met you and fell in love with your personality. She fell in love with your caring nature and how protective you are of her. She fell in love with the right man."

I smiled once more at him. His words moved me so much that I barely noticed a tear sliding down my cheek. I quickly lifted my hand and wiped it away.

"Such a soft man if you hear the right words," Byleth caught it. 

"Is that a bad thing, Byleth? For a leader to carry so many emotions and show them so easily?"

"No. It is not a bad thing, Dimitri. It is better to show Faerghus that you have emotion. They will know that you have a heart underneath a serious demeanor. I think Lambert lost sight of that when he was running as leader. He lost his heart in the serious matter of being a leader. And he lost his mind when you think about it."

"I might be like him," I whispered.

"Other than being blood related, yes you might be like him. But don't doubt yourself and what you can do, Dimitri. You were a natural born leader and you are going to prove it to the land of Fodlan. Never doubt yourself, Dimitri." Byleth looked at his watch and sighed. "I have a meeting in Leicester in about an hour. I'm going to be late."

"Better head out now," I said.

"It was a lovely talk, Dimitri. I hope to see you soon."

"Come back anytime, Byleth. You're always welcome here in Faerghus."

He smiled, "And you're always welcome in Adrestian."

I walked Byleth out of the capital building and he opened the door of the car. He turned his head to look at me.

"Before I go, Dimitri. Remember this: you're going to be a great leader as well as a great father." 

He got into the car and I watched him drive into the horizon. I turned and walked back into the building, thinking about what Byleth had said.

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