Chapter 14

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"You're actually going to enlist?" I asked him.

"I am. You heard the news. They need strong people to join the military," Dimitri said and sipped at his water. "With that said, I am going to put you in charge of the company until I get back."

"What if you don't come back?"

Dimitri looked at me, "Are you thinking about those visions you had?"

"They're getting stronger. It's as if I can feel the pain whenever they're playing in my head."

"Well, if you have a vision of us coming out on top, then it should happen."

"But that isn't set in stone, Dimitri. Just because I have a vision of us winning this war, doesn't mean it's going to happen."

Dimitri sighed, "I guess you're right."

"I-I don't want to lose you, Dimitri," I said.

He rested his hand on top of mine and looked longingly into my eyes. "I'm going to be just fine."

"I'll go with you," I blurted out.

"Y/N," Dimitri said. He was shocked and surprised by what I had just said.

"I will go with you."

"Y/N, it's dangerous."

"I was there with you. I was there to save you from death. If I don't go with you, who will save you?"

"Y/N, you're risking your life when you go out there."

"So are you. If you died out there, I don't know what I would do without you."

His grip around my hand tightened. "I feel the same, but I want to do good in this war."

"We can by supplying the military of both Faerghus and Leicester with metal for their weapons."

"We're already on it. Claude had contacted me and said he would like to work together on making steel."

"Then you've done something in this war."

"I want to be there to actually finish it."

"Dimitri, you can't always be the hero your great grandfather once was."

"I can at least try."

"There's no talking you out of it?"


"Then there's no talking me out of going with you."

"Y/N," he began.

"No buts!"

"Who will be in charge of the company?"

"Dedue," I said.

He sighed, but smiled at me, "You're a tough one."

I chuckled, "You signed up for it when you kissed me that day."

He smiled warmly at me. "And I love every second of it."

"Attention!" our commander yelled.

After about of month of figuring out a new plan, Dedue had finally taken over the company for the time being. Dimitri and I informed the company of this change, but we did not tell them why. I think they knew what was happening. And it had been a month since Dimitri and I started to officially call ourselves a couple. During that month, the two of us had been working together to build up our endurance and our muscle for the war. His hair had gotten a bit longer than what it used to be. And it was during that month when we heard Klaus I and Duke Reigan officially declare war on Ionius IX.

"Here we have a message from Klaus I on how he is going to handle the situation in Adrestian."

"Ionius IX has not only killed many of his people, but he has killed many of the people who live here in Faerghus and as well as the people living in Leicester. He is a man who thinks he should be on top and it has spread to the people of Adrestian like a disease. Over the past month, he has slaughtered many of our soldiers who were doing nothing put patrol. I sat with Duke Reigan and asked him what we should do. We are going to join forces to take down Adrestian. Ionius IX has had a firm hold on Adrestian and we are going to free the people of their deranged leader. We are going to give them their freedom. I, Klaus I, has officially declared war on Adrestian and Ionius IX."

"We have at least a few months to train you to get out there and fight. We have many of our people and Leicester's people out there fighting against Adrestian's forces. However, we cannot underestimate them because we are a bigger group. They are fierce and will kill anyone to get what they want. I have some news from the commander in chief. He has said that Edelgard, the head of the Black Eagles Manufacturing company, has joined in the war. Be careful of her. She may look frail, but she is deadly and can hold her own. Now! We are going to train all you to be the best soldier Faerghus has seen! Let's get started!" Byleth yelled.

We started our training by early morning runs. We ran around the base for twenty minutes. When we were done, we went to what looked like an obstacle course. We had to get weapons and other necessities to the bases. We battled through other people, crawled through mud since there was barbed wire above us, swam through raging waters, and endured the heat of what felt like a desert. It was brutal training that left me more than sore at the end of the day. It seemed like Dimitri was proving himself to the higher ups.

"How was your day of training?" Dimitri asked when we congregated in the mess hall.

"Tiring," I yawned.

"Are you bleeding?"

I put my hand to my cheek and felt the sticky substance seeping through a small cut.

"I must of cut myself when we were training today."

"Here," he said and sat next to me. He took out his napkin and handed it to me. I held it up to the cut and held it there. "Keep pressing it. It will make the blood clot and a scab will soon form."

"Thank you, Dimitri," I said.

"Taking care of the weak, Dimitri?" one of the soldiers asked as they walked past us.

Dimitri gave them a disgusted glare before turning back to me.

"You can't take care of the weak once you're out there. It's eat or be eaten. And she's going to be eaten alive."

Dimitri abruptly stood up, which made me jump a bit. He had an angry expression on his face.

"She can hold her own. It's you who will be eaten out there since you can't even carry a rifle without moaning and groaning."

The soldier scoffed at Dimitri and walked off. Dimitri sat back down and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

I rested my hand on his shoulder, "Don't be."

"I shouldn't defend you when you can defend yourself."

"I appreciate it, Dimitri," I said and pecked his cheek.

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