Chapter 10

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Knowing it's been a long time since I genuinely smiled, it made me tear up again. Another tear slid down my cheek and Dimitri looked concerned.

"Was it something I said?"

"No," I said and rested my hand on top of his. "Well yes and no. Those are some very kind words, Dimitri. You didn't need to say such things to lift me up. And it's just been a long time since I have smiled so genuinely."

"Y/N," his tone growing serious. "What I said about you, is true. You're a gift. You're not a mistake. I am very grateful that my father hired someone who works hard and will work hard until they get the end result they want. And you're just great to be around. You're smart, intelligent, and just everything about you is amazing. I am truly being honest here."

"Are you?" I asked him.

"How do you want me to prove it?"

"I don't know. I told you what happened. It's hard for me to believe anything."

Dimitri looked disappointed now. He removed his hand from mine and sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Dimitri," I said, but he got up. He walked into a different area of the jet and sat down. I sighed, knowing I had messed up real bad.

We got back to Faerghus and we got off of the jet. Dimitri was still not talking to me when we got off. He went to his office and I knew it would be best for me to go to my cubicle. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. Dimitri walked into the elevator and pressed the button for his office. We were both on pretty high levels in the building, so we had some time.

"Dimitri, I'm sorry about what I said. I truly am. I understand that you were being honest with me and not just trying to cheer me up. I know you were trying to cheer me up, but I knew you had good intentions. I'm really sorry, but my past doesn't really allow me to trust anything people tell me. I-" I was cutoff by Dimitri's swift actions. His arms wrapped around my waist and he rested his head next to mine. I was so taken back that I dropped the folder I was holding.

"You don't need to apologize," he whispered in my ear. "I should be the one apologizing to you. I'm sorry for the way I acted after you told me to prove it. I was trying to think of a way to prove it to you. I guess this is the only way."

"Not the only way," I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked and pulled away.

"Why don't we go out sometime?" I asked.


I nodded my head, "Yeah. You're pleasant to be around."

Dimitri smiled, "You as well. Just let me know when and where."

"Alright," I said.

The elevator was getting closer to my floor. I bent down and picked up the papers that flew out of the folder. 

"Here, let me help you," Dimitri said and helped me with the papers. He handed them to me and the doors opened up. 

"I'll see you later, Dimitri," I said and waved to him.

He smiled at me and waved back. The doors closed and the elevator continued to go up. I walked over to my cubicle and sat down. I put my folder on the desk and reached into my pocket and pulled out the lion head. I set it near my computer and was about to get ready.

"Hi, Y/N!" Ingrid said.

I let out a little yelp and immediately covered my mouth. I looked over at Ingrid.

"Yes, Ingrid?"

"How was your visit to Leicester?" she asked.

"Alright," I said.

"It was just alright? You were alone with Dimitri for about six hours! It had to be more than just alright!"

"We weren't technically alone," I said. "Dedue was there."

"Dedue is like a rock. Nothing ever fazes him."

"I'm not so sure about that," I said.

"Anyway, what was Leicester like?"

"We didn't go sight seeing, Ingrid. We went to talk to Claude about a deal. Which he happily signed and now we're going to be business partners."

"Am I allowed to know?"

"It's all up to Dimitri and how he should address it to the people. While we were there, Claude gave us a tour of their machinery. They made this," I said and grabbed the lion head. Ingrid held it in her hands and examined it.

"Wow. This is on par with our metal," she said and handed it back to me.

"It's really nice," I said and placed it back near my computer. "What did you do while we were gone?"

"Nothing much. We all basically did what we normally do. Take calls, make orders, make sure orders are on time, deal with customers, and all that fun stuff. I wish I was able to do your job as well."

"My job is not that fun. I just file things and work in archives."

"You're also Dimitri's right hand though."

"I didn't sign up to be in that kind of position. Dimitri decided to pick me to help him out. Besides, I just want to help him through the transitional period and return to archives."

"Suit yourself, Y/N. I'd be grateful that Dimitri is giving you an important job here. I mean archives are important, but nothing as more important as helping the company become better," Ingrid said and walked away.

I sighed and opened up my laptop. I went through my emails and I saw there was a new one that came in while we were gone. I opened it up and read through it.


I see Dimitri wants to discuss a very sensitive topic with me. A topic about change and how we can come together. I would like to talk to him within the week. Please send him my message and do not expect me to reply to him. I will only reply to you since you are like his secretary.

Good day,


I forwarded the email to Dimitri.

"Looks like we have a reply from Edelgard."

I sent him the message and got ready to go home for the day.

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