(1920's) VII

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Greg's POV

Everytime. Every single time.

I know from the start that I've signed up for this, for the worst. . .


"SHUT UP-! IM DISCOVERING A NEW COLOR!" Avis shouted drunkily as she swings her alcoholic bottled. She and Einstein. . .Went a little too far, For a man in his late 50's this scientist sure do know how to have fun. . .by drinking hardcore beverages.

"Can you take care of Ms. Asmodeus for a minute? I need to find someone." I said to Avis' Butler. He nodded.

"Will do, Sire." He said with his British accent.

As I walk away, I can still hear Avis' annoying antics of screams. Even though the jazz band music was loud, it couldn't cover Avis' loud voice.

I need to find (Name) at once.

Time Skip !

(Name)'s point of view

"U-Uhm excuse me-" I was about to ask man when I got pushed away by accident by a fat lady without her knowing, "Woah-" out balancing because of my heels and of course, from the impact that I got I await for my own fall and get myself embarrassed.

"Careful-" I heard a familiar gruff voice, then someone caught me by the waist.

I look up to see Greg.

"G-Greg!" Happily, I felt so much relieved and relax knowing that my best friend is here at this fancy party.

"Glad I caught you." He said with a neutral facial expression.

I nodded and sigh, "Thank you. I don't know what I'll do if I ever get that fall." I said sheepishly smiling at him while I dusted off my gown.

"Probably cry in the corner while eating sweets?" He said raising an eye brow then smirking at me.

I giggled, "You know me too well." I said as I playfully slap his arms. Greg laughed along with me.

"Have you seen Avis around?" I asked him, tilting my head to side a little bit. Ever since I left the scene with Alastor and Anthony, I started looking for my best friend.

"Well, yeah, she was with me. But I left here since I was also looking for you." He said, he looked away. I can't tell if he's looking in the crowd or just avoiding my gaze. Because I've been doing that earlier on Alastor and Anthony.

"Looking for me? Why?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a minute, and then the idea of mine suddenly snapped, "Greg, don't tell me. . ."

"She got drunk. And was saying she discovered a new color. I can't handle her as much as you can so. . ." He sheepishly put his hand on his nape, clearly nervous. And I can feel what he feels right now.

Third person's view

If looks could kill, Greg would've been dead. Even if you don't notice it, you facial expression quickly changed into a stern one, which is unusual.

"She promised me not to get drunk!" You angrily said.

Greg sigh, "You know Avis. . .Couldn't even keep a proper promise." He said, "Come with me she's this way." He said as he softly grab your hand to lead you out of the crowd.

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