(2020's) XXX

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Damian's POV

Mom is not really feeling well right now. And it kind of scares me. She hasn't left her bed ever since and dad haven't visited her yet. Is she going to die? I'm not on my right age yet, I'm still 16. I wish dad was here to take care of her.

Now I know, Dad is really busy but couldn't he at least take a little time to visit us? I really miss him. The last time he was here with me and mom was back when I was still 13. 3 years ago. It's annoying on how I couldn't properly use my magic.

One thing that I am frobbiden to use is to open portals, or maybe even open a portal to hell on to where my Father is. Mom said that I am not allowed to know that. She explained to me that I'm still s half human and I could injure myself by opening it.

I don't know if I can handle myself when she's gone. How can I handle her two companies all together? I'm 16 for fucks sakes.

I was staring at my mom as she rests on her bed. Her face is becoming pale, and so are her lips. She's too young to leave me alone, so do I. I took a deep breath. I can hear her soft breathing, I'm actually glad that she's still fighting. We've had some professional doctor's here before, but non of them could tell which sickness she has, and no, it's not Corona, Reader.

I was startled when I heard my phone rang. Looking back to my mom and then getting the phone from my pocket. I opened it to see who was calling me, and it's Azazel.

I rolled my eyes and answered the phone, "The fuck do you want?" I asked, my voice slightly low and it's aggigated.

He chuckled on the other side of the landline.

"Chill, bro. I got some information from my mom about your mom."

He said in which made my eyes went wide. I cleared my throat, "What is it?"

"Worried, huh?"

He asked, and I can clearly tell that he's smirking. Ugh, this bitch is really getting on my nerves. Nevertheless, he stayed when he knew that I can handle my other side.

I groan, "Just tell, dude." I said as I heard him laugh at loud but for a second he went quiet.

"Bro..." He whispered, I knit my brows. Is he sneaking behind his mother or father's back again? I didn't replied waiting for him to continue, "I heard what my uncle and my mom were talking about. Your mother is destined to die dude." He said.

My eyes went wide, "don't play jokes, Zel." I growled at him as I absentmindedly stand up from my seat. I didn't even notice that my hand is already balled into a fist.

"Not this time, dude. I'm serious. In order for your mother and your Father to be together again, my mom made a deal with my uncle. You're mom is going to die, in exchange her soul will have no choice but to end up here." He said.

As it seems that his voice somehow made my spine run down a chill as I bit my bottom lip. For once, I have no reply to him.

I heard Azazel sigh, "Damian. Make the last of your moments with your mom worth it. And make sure to do her last wishes. You're her only child dude." He said a bit sincere with his words.

I sigh, "I'll wait for her to wake up then." I said as I knit my brows. My frustration is boiling up. Rage, confusion, and a bit lost.

I don't know which is which but I need my lovely mother to wake up.

"Coolio dude. I'll go there when I can. Right now, our family is having a dinner all together. And I can sense it's just another chaos." He said as he ended the call, not even letting me to say goodbye. Hes such an asshole. But, I couldn't blame him for it.

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