(2020's) XXI

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The world we live is full of wonder and surprises. The human mind is already fascinating it self. Mysteries have not yet discovered yet there's so many theories.

But once thing that not even humans can't explain is that, is it possible to live again? Have a second chance? Give another life?

Like, your very soul will be reincarnated in another time. In another year. Or maybe, in another body? It was such a rare occurrence where a soul would get reincarnated and still have the same features as their past selves. Of course, many experts has to be skeptic about these supernatural occurrences knowing that it could believeable or a lie.

But, one thing that said in the Bible is that you only have a one life and it was given to you by the creator of everything. And he's the only one who can decide wether you should live everything behind and join him in his kingdom up above.

Religious people have also never believed this. It was a total unbelievable thing to believe(lmao). Thy should never question the words of God, never.

Who he defies his words will join the fallen angel in Hell.

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I am (Name) (Last Name). Born in a middle class age family in 1901. My father was religious man and so is my mother. When I grew up and became an adult I met a female dreamer named Avis. She always seemed so mysterious but she stayed wherever I felt lost. And also, there, I met a man named Greg who I made good friends with.

I graduated highschool with those two. Avis became a succesful scientist and is working on side with a also famous scientist named Albert. Greg on the upper hand had accomplished his dream of having a restaurant.

While me?

I've accomplished my mother's dream of having a bakery. I became a Baker. I bake a lots of pastries and people in Louisiana loved it, especially that one elderly named Mrs. Kursh.

On that one fateful day, a man had stepped in inside my bakery. He was tall, a handsome fellow, I suppose he was a little bit more older than. He always have this beautiful smile on his face and then I realized that I familiarized his facial structure.

I once realized again that he's my childhood friend. I met him at a local church with his loving mother. Oh, how his mother and my mother were good friends.

He ordered the same thing in the following day of his arrival at my bakery. I also learned from Avis that he's also a famous radio host and his radio station was just down the street from where my bakery is. One reason why he always go here every morning before he start his broadcast.

He loved my coffee. He always liked it strong and black. And he's so specific about me not putting sugar in it. He was a lovely fellow and I grew to love him every single day that he arrives here at my bakery. I get all so shy when he gave me a smile, or would give me a compliment. At first it creeped me out knowing that I haven't felt these feelings before.

My heart feels warm and so does my cheeks every single time he smiles at me. He makes me feel like I'm special and I'm loved. Those were the feelings that he makes me feel.

And every day I find myself falling even more for this man.

And he's name was Alastor.

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