(1920's) XXII

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"(Name), Dear? Wake up." You heard someone says. You knitted your brow as move you position to the side of the bed. But then remembering you're not inside your house anymore, you jolted yourself up.

Blushing when you saw Alastor and his soft smile.

"G-Good Morning!" You said, Alastor chuckled.

"Get yourself ready, Love. I got some big plans for us today, but first I'll prepare you some breakfast." He said, winking at you(Can you not?).

Blushing, you just nodded as he smiled.

"I'll meet you in the kitchen." He said, waving at you as he exited your room for you to start getting ready for today.

You took a deep breath, last night you were finding it hard to fall asleep, but then you manage.


"Good morning Nifty! Would you be a dear to get me some fresh eggs?" Alastor said with a smile, Nifty nodded and walk away knowing that Alastor was in a good mood she also needed to inform Husk not to ruin his jolly mood.

"Right away Mr. Alastor!" She said with a smile, hopping down from the tall chair as she heads out to Husk who's basically taking care every single thing outside they manor(They're not workers for Alastor I swear, it's one reason to divert Husk's attention towards liquor).

With a smile, Alastor had plan for today is to take you out on a date once again. Maybe get your off of some things. Maybe treat you something nice? More dresses and such? Maybe...

Alastor was about to start with his cooking as he was about to tie his apron, but he stopped when he heard a loud knock from the front door of his Manor. Now who could it be?

His smiled flat, he doesn't really like being distracted from his main work but he really should check it out, it might be the one he's expecting to come. But it's really early.

He walked towards the door, opening it.

There's a man stood, his hair blonde, maybe Golden blonde, a little short for a guy and basically wore a light red coat that's handing from both of his shoulder, his main attire is white with gold. He had a pale skin, and you can clearly see how rosy his cheeks are, knowing the fact that he's a man. He does have a nice figure.

Now this is the man that he's expecting.

The man turned around, giving him a smirk.

"Hello, Good Morning Alastor." He said with a toothy grin. His eyes were really eye catching since it was yellow. Unusual for a normal person to have.

"Good Morning to you too..." He paused giving him the exact toothy smile, "Lucifer."


Going down from your room towards the kitchen, you're really excited of what Alastor had plan for the both of you today.

Reaching the kitchen as you open it, you are greeted with someone else. Though it's not Alastor that's cooking, but it was Rosy.

"Good Morning (Name)." She said, not even looking at you as she prepares your food.

"G-Good morning to you too R-Rosie." You stuttered, feeling a little embarrass since you thought that Alastor was here preparing your breakfast.

𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now