(2000's) I

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*╔═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╗*
[Summer] Kyoto, Japan
April, 2009

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It was sunny out and you're currently staying in your grandparents house. It was in the middle of a flower field, filled with different types of flowers, from Summer to Winter types of flowers. It was colorful, and the feeling of being here is just right.

Summer crickets made sounds more loudly, you walking in to this large forest with big trees with a stick in your hand. You smile knowing that you'll be arriving at the river in just a few second.


April was the first month of summer(From where I lived). It was sunny and the heat is really unbearable when it's already in the afternoon. But that didn't stop a 6 years old girl from running down with a stick in her hand towards the forest on the back of their backyard from her grandparents house.

Her grandparents aren't that worried if ever she gets lost. You know your way out, and especially you always come here when it summer.

Your parents always left you here to enjoy the summer. Not just you're surrounded by nature but also the ocean is just by the view of your grandparents house. It was a perfect place for a vacation.

Your parents would like to spend it with you, but they decided to focus on their work so that they could give you a better and peaceful future.

Not that you're complaining. You already got everything in this world.

Both of your parents are CEO's from a different companies. Of course you're rich, and the fact that you're the only child.

"Yay! River!" Enthusiastically, you ran towards the water. Taking off your slippers and excitedly splashed in to the water. The height of the water was just above your ankle, so there's no need to worry about it.

You played around a little bit when suddenly you hear a rustle from a nearby bush. Due to your curiousity, you got out of the water to check. Not even bothering to put back your slippers.

You tried to look for that specific bush, and gladly you found it. You moved some of the branch and leaves until you saw a...

Whimpering bunny.

Your smile sadly at the poor thing as you gently picked it up. They tiny legs were bleeding.

"Ojīchan(Grandpa) can help you!" You smiled brightly as you ran out of the woods with the bunny.

You're half Japanese. And every summer your mother or father will fly you back here in Kyoto just to spend time Summer with your grandparents, Father's side.

You're still learning japanese, and thank God your grandparents are fluently good at English.

Reaching the house of your grandparents, you quickly side the door open and shouted, "Ojīchan! Ojīchan!" As you ran inside looking for your grandfather.

You looked out at the window to see your grandfather working in the garden. You quickly ran out.

"Ojīchan! I found an injured bunny! Can you heal them??" You asked as you jump up and down.

Your grandfather smiled at you as he wiped his forehead with his hand. He kneeled down just by your level and observe the bunny.

You gently handed the bunny on your grandfather's hands, he gladly hold it gently.

"Hontōni(Really)? That was really nice of you (Name). Let's head inside and give him a proper healing." He said as he stand up and held your hand as the two of you headed inside the house.


Your grandmother made you some homemade cookies and some ice chocolates. The sleeping bunny on your lap as it peacefully sleep. Your grandfather also noticed of how dirty the bunny is, so before he gave it to you he made sure to clean the bunny up and sanitize it's paws.

Watching the beautiful view on the open balcony of the house, you enjoyed patting the bunny gently and softly as you eat your homemade cookies.

Your grandmother had left you alone to make the dinner, and you grandfather continued his work in the garden.

"Hm..." You hummed as you look down at the peaceful bunny on your lap, "What should I name you?" To asked yourself as well as you asked the bunny at the same.

"I think you should name it snowy." An unknown voice said.

It startled you as you spun your head around, looking for the source of the voice. And once your attention was drawn up front, you saw someone...

Or something.

Staring right back at you with a stone cold look. A kid, about your height and seemingly have the same age as your, only appears to be a black shadow.

You smiled at them, "You think so?" You asked, once you look down at the bunny on your lap, you quickly wanted to ask something like their name, but once you look back at their direction.

They're already gone.

You frown, you wanted to at least make friends with someone here at Kyoto, and then that one chance was already gone.

"Aw, I guess I'll have to name you Snowy then?" You said, picking up the bunny with your little hands and stare at it's face lovingly.

"You are soooooo cuuuute~!" You toned your voice as you hug the little creature.

"(Name)!" Your grandmother called out, "Ban gohan(Dinner) is ready" she called out from the living room.

You got yourself up, carrying the bunny I'm your arms as you make your way towards the living room of where your grandparents must have prepared the dinner.


First chapter for book 2! Hope you enjoyed~

Sorry it came out short...
Thanks for reading.

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