(1920's) XXI

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(Name) - 2020
You - 1920
So you guys don't have to be so confused as to who I'm going to talk about in this Chapter


"Hey, Avis." Your young, and not-so-from your time self said worriedly. You intend to listen, March 30 2020 huh? 90 years from your time? As of you thought, you're not dumb, Of course you thought you're on the future once you saw that calendar.

But the question is, are you dreaming or not? Everything felt so real here. And dreaming something like that is very unusual.

(Remember yourself from the year 1900s is a boomer, so basically any type of dreams like lucid dreaming, you don't know that shit okay?)

The so called Avis turn her attention from the TV to (Name), "What?" She asked, taking a spoon full of rice in her mouth(WE ASIANS CANT EAT WITHOUT RICE!!)

"This is so weird to tell you, but I felt someone touch my shoulder earlier in the hallway." (Name) said, looking at her.

Avis halt her eating session as you saw her eyes move at your direction for a split second, then back at "(Name)".

"Really?" She said, taking another bite. (Name) nodded.

"Is there any ghosts here?" She asked, worried. Avis only laugh.

"HAHAHA!" She laughed, hesteirically.

"Don't laugh!" (Name) blushed in embarrassment as she grip the hem of her skirt.

"Hah! Not ghost! But a spirit from the past-"

Your attention was darted when you felt someone stand beside you. Instead of looking up, you look down.

It's. . .a child, but not a child. It's like a walking black shadow or maybe a hollow black shadow.

They look up to you with their red piercing eyes, "You shouldn't be here. What are you doing here?" They said. Voices were mixed with a female, a male, and many children.

You gulped, taking a step back. Looking at your surroundings, the colors faded and everything's black and white as if you're inside of a film. You look back at (Name) and Avis and their movements seemed to come at halt.

"How did you get in here?" They asked. You look back at them, shock, scared, and confused.

"Wh-What do you mean?" You stuttered in fear, "I have no idea why I arrived in here. . ." Your voice shakes. The figure of a child started to grow, more taller than you.

"You don't belong here." They said, if earlier the voice of the children dominated the mixed up voice, this time it was a female who dominated the voices.

"I don't want to be here either! This is all a dream! This is not real-" you were cut off when the figure took a step closer to you. There was a 1 inch gap between the two of your faces.

Slowly, the blackness of their form started to fade revealing a very familiar face.

"A-Avis?!" You shouted as you push yourself away from her making you land on your own butt. You looked back at her.

"You shouldn't be here." She said with stone cold expression, her once brown eyes turned red.

"WH-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" You shouted at her. Tears started to form on the corner of your eyes. Confused, and scared.

You look around, you're not in that said room anymore. Everything is white. Except for the giant door behind 'Avis'.

"Wh-Where am I?" You asked, turning your head to the side. Nervous.

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