(2020's) XI

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"I believe you have some questions for me, My dear?" He asked as he looked down at you as you seemingly sat there on your couch, a little nervous. But you gotta toughen up, and of course, by later today, you'll need to visit the Demon twins and ask them about this red(hot, and handsome)demon.

It looked like you're some kind of royalty, why? It's because Alastor was just there, standing beside your one person chair(or couch).

"Uh, yeah." You said nodding. It was a good thing that Sebastian arrived with your tea, you can perfectly hide your shyness there.

"Ask away, My love." He said smirking at you.

Sebastian on the other hand stand there next to you, the opposite side of Alastor to pour you some tea. Though, Sebastian spoke, "May I offer you a seat, Lord Alastor?" He asked. Considering Sebastian is just the same level of strength and power as Alastor, he though has a job of a Butler so then, he'll be needing to use some decency and respect for the deer Demon.

Alastor shook his(still with a smirk). Sebastian just nodded in response.

"Okay, first of all, stop calling me with some nicknames." You said, looking up to him but at some point you can not stare directly into his eyes. It always makes you blush, for some odd of reason, your heart was bumping really fast whenever he gave you those sweet nicknames.

Alastor chuckle. Okay what the fuck (Name)? That sounded hot.

"I simply can't do that My dearest, I too, love calling you, or either spoiling you with those nickname." He said smirking at you as his eyes were half lidded. CAN YOU STOP BEING SO GODDAMN ATTRACTIVE?!

You laugh nervously, "Okay, Wow, I thought you're going to obey my every request." You said avoiding his(hot)gaze. Damn, suddenly, the temperature became hot and you swore you have a slight blush on your cheeks. Goddamnit, why so suddenly became so attractive to this Demon? ITS WEIRD!

"Well, this one, I certainly don't like following." Alastor replied, though you never looked back at him as you take a chocolate bar from Sebastian plate as it seemingly waits for you.

"Uh, yeah, fine, whatever." You paused as you took a bite of the chocolate, "So, I'm with my friends when I summoned you, what did you do to them?" You asked, raising a brow though you never look back at him.

He chuckled darkly, and you can tell, "Do you really want to know, love?" He asked raising a brow also.

You quickly look back at him and glare at him, "You better not..." You threatened.

Alastor was taken back. Where did that fierce glare came from? Then again, he needs to remind himself that this is not the same (Name) that he knew back in his days. Of course, she's her, but she's mostly different because of the era she's in.

He hid his surprise with a chuckle, "I was just messing with you, My dear." He paused and was about to say something snarky but then pulled it out when he sees you still glaring at him, He continued, "I sent them back home. You don't need to worry your pretty little head, my dear darling." He said chuckling right after.

Stop chuckling! You're making (Name) blush even more.

And with that, you nod and kept eating your chocolate even more. It worried Sebastian on how many you have eaten so far because of how nervous you are right now.

"Easy there, M'lady. Please do eat the chocolates one at a time. It's not good for your health." He said, taking the chocolate out of your hand.

You groaned and rolled your eyes. Taking back your attention to Alastor who's still staring at you and not minding the Butler who's dearly worried for your body health.

"S-So! If you're my 'personal Demon', what do you do?" You asked, raising a brow.

Alastor replied, "I ensure your safety, and of course, I am prohibited to stay away from you for more than 5 feet. I am bounded by your blood of course." He said with a smirk.

That made you think. If he does ensure my safety, then you're fine with it. But him being prohibited to stay away from you for more than 5 meters-

D-Does that mean he's going to follow you around in the school?!

"W-Wait-! Does that mean you're going to follow me around?!" You said in surprised.

Alastor laughed shortly, so you still have those cute little expression. How entertaining.

"Why, I certainly will do." He said, then maybe later, he will ask thy Highness for an advice on how this new era works. (BOOMER!)

"Okay, what the actual fuck?" You breath out, not taking all of this in properly.

"You might have to watch that pretty mouth of yours with that language, love." He said. You looked at him in disbelief.



Kenji woke up, panting, he's sweating, and most of all.

How the hell did he end up in his room? Like, he knows he black out from that building, was that a fucking dream? It better be not! The fire was so real! It can't be a dream!

Quickly, he looked for his phone to call your number, just to make sure that you're safe or whatever happened to you. He's not going to check on Lisa and Kim first, you first duh. You're the one who's been inside the fire and actually summoned-

"HOLY SHIT! SHE SUMMONED A DEMON!" he shouted in surprise.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP KENJI! YOUR FATHER IS STILL SLEEPING!" That's her mother shouting from downstairs.


Yooooow! Sorry this came out short! But I do hope you like it! Guys! We're going to hit 100k reads now OMG!


Mi hope you lyk it

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