(2020's) XIV

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Of course, you acted cold. You couldn't even looked him in the eyes, considering that he already caught you.

"You're jealous." He said, you know better to yourself that he has smirk. The smirk that he always give, and had been always making your knees go weak in the past few days. The question that you kept questioning to yourself is that, why does everytime, it gets so hard to look at him straight in the eyes.

You sigh knitting your brows, speaking without looking at him, "How many times, Demon. I told you I'm not." You said as you glare at nothingness at your side.

Alastor chuckled as he looked down at your nervous, yet so adorable figure. He would love nothing but to pull you again in his arms, but he also needed to remind himself that any familiar move, it might aggressively make you remember.

"Darling love," He paused, walking closer to you and softly grabbing you by the chin to make you look up to him.

Due to your stubborn attitude, you tried to fight back, but when Alastor had slightly make you look up to him roughly, you know better than to obey.

And this time, your eyes were looking up to his. He chuckled as he continued, "We demons know what you, you humans feel. Especially when you're my Human." He said smirking which made you even more redder.

What's worse is that your ears are becoming more scarlet by the second, and the feeling you have is nothing but want and hot. A slight feeling of nostalgia, but you ignored that small feeling.

You groan as you pull away from him, "Listen, I know and all that you're a powerful being from hell." You sarcastically said, "But I'm your master now and you obey my every request." You said glaring at him.

Alastor was taken back honestly. Where did that bravery came from? Honestly, you kept surprising him even more further and He's liking it one bit.

You continued nonetheless with you not trying to let him talk, "And all I want is for you to do is-is-! You tried to find the right words as you cheecks brightened up even more.

Alastor raised his brow while a smile flatly at you, "Is to what? Love?" He asked, summoning his mic of a cane.

"..." Cat got your tongue, but with something flashing in in your thoughts, you blurted it out without even realizing, "IS TO STOP BEING SO HOT!"

He looked amused, and has smirk. A playful smirk.

Realizing what you had just blurt out, quickly you covered your mouth as you make a little sound of: "Eep-!" Which Alastor had find it adorable.

"I'm hot?" He asked with a smirk.

Your face was clearly a tomato now, and you know it. Why? It's because everything feel so hot and your head is getting a little light headed. One problem you have, and a medical concern of your mother. Heat is something you can not bear, naturally or just a feeling.

You tried to speak up, but the words you blurted out we're gibberish or cute sounds. Making Alastor laugh in entertainment.

"I'm sure am not doing it purpose, Lovely (Name). I guess its in a Demon's nature." His voice sounded so playful and hot. It was deep and it clearly turned you on-

No! No (Name)! That's bad-

You groan and rolled your eyes then turning your heel away from him and started walking away. Alastor grin went wide.

He catches your wrist and surprisingly pull you towards him, hard enough you to bump in to his chest, "Wah-! HEY!"

But due to the sudden impact, you quickly looked up to him but when you do, he quickly planted a kiss on your forehead.

"Now, Darling. That's one thing I really hate. You walking away from me. Got it-" Alastor said.

But before he could finish his sentence, you figure started to shake and your eyes were closed as you limp. Knowing that you somehow black out.

His eyes were widened and quickly checked your pulse on your neck. When your best was beating rhythmically he sigh in relief.

"Oh dear, do not do that on me." He said as decided to carry you bridal style. He looked at you face examining it. Still, you are as beautiful as ever. Though he noticed that you still has a faint blush in your cheeks.

He made a conclusion that making you blush makes you go unconscious. This Demon might need to ask medical questions on your personal butler, of course he needs to, not that his understanding on medical thingy is beyond to what a expert does but simply because he doesn't want to lose you again.

Not again that he's given a second chance to have you again.

He sigh as he remembered the day you disappeared in his grasp. His heart, that he didn't know he had until now, beats rapidly as he felt it clench. The though of that memory still hurts him to this era.

Taking a deep breath. Alastor snapped his fingers as a portal that leads towards the mansions front door was summoned out of thin air. Alastor went in without hesitation with you in his arms.

Worried that...

Worried that he might...

He might...

No, don't think of that. That wasn't really-

Okay, Okay calm down. (Name) is okay, and maybe Alastor should tuck her in to bed. Ask the Butler if she has any medical issues. As much as he hates to feel it, he knows it's there. The guilt, the sudden flow of sadness and loss.

The though of you dying in his arms again...?


Don't break him like that again...

He can't bare it this time. He knows that he won't be given another chance if you ever, you'll end up in the heavens where you're out of reach...

Out of his reach...

Opening the door with his magic, he was greeted by Sebastian who was fixing (Name)'s family portrait. At first he didn't notice that figure came in, but when Alastor's foot landed on the white carpet, Sebastian had turn around to face him.

"Careful, I just had them clean-" His words were cut off when he saw you unconscious in Alastor's arms. He sigh and took off his gloves, "What did you do?" He asked.

He hid his worries with a flat smile, "I gave my dear a peck on the forehead. I didn't expect her to act like this." He said as he watch Sebastian's hand touch your forehead. He guessed it that it was to check for you temperature.

"Sigh, you shouldn't advance that far, Sire. Thy Highness Avis had warned you about this." Sebastian said as he look at Alastor seriously.

He didn't forgot of course. He was just carried away with his needs and wants that he did it out of his realization. It happened so fast. Alastor had stayed quiet, still he has a flat smile to hide his worries. Damn it woman, what are you doing to him?

"But, I'm sure that this will not trigger the memory. Let's just hope. Bring her to her room and I shall prepare her dinner. Do you want anything, Sire?" Sebastian asked before taking his leave.

"Black coffee. No sugar." His voice was flat. His smile disappear as he stares at your sleeping face.

The memories from his days with you, from the very first till the very last flash in inside his mind. Sebastian knew better than to ignore these, considering that (Name) was affecting the inhumane demon.

"As you wish." And there, Sebastian took his leave.


Midnight update! Lmao this is a crap I'm sorry.

Hope you liked it~💖


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