(1920's) XXIV

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It's been 3 hours since Alastor left for some important business. And to be honest, for the little amount of hours you already missed him. Guess your infatuation to him is strong, that a little you don't see him you're going to be looking out for him.

And not just that, it's because you're bored and you already missed baking at you bakery. Though something, or someone is missing. You know too well that Greg is gone, but why the hell were you missing out someone?

Shaking your head lightly, you smiled and stand up from the chair you're sitting on, deciding that you should at least make yourself busy. Well, it's not the end of the day, it wouldn't hurt to open your bakery right?

You're sure that Alastor won't mind just as long as you tell Rosy and Husk, and maybe even left a note. You're just going to make sure that you're going to come back here before the sun disappears.

"That's it! I'm going to open my shop." You said as you head out of your room to find Husk or Rosy to inform them about what you're going to do today.


Rosy was in the living room. Relaxing and reading a book to keep her mind calm from all the things happening. She's sure that Alastor is already killing some random people, or maybe went out to hunt some deers. But she couldn't tell which one. She sigh.

She's worried that what if someday, (Name) found out what they have done? Tell it to the custody? Maybe Rosie was just over thinking. Maybe if they're going to be careful enough, she wouldn't found out.

But the thing that Rosie is worrying about is, what is a curious naive woman?

"Hey Rosie?" A voice called out, the same soft and angelic voice called out. Rosie's attention were driven from that voice.

It's (Name), "Oh hey!" She greeted, giving a half sincere smile.

(Name) smiled shyly, "I would like to go around town and maybe open my shop for today. Please do inform Alastor about it. I'll return by dawn, thank you." She said as she head out without saying any word.

Rosie just shrugged and stand up from the couch to inform it to Husk. So maybe Husk can inform it to Alastor since Rosie was also going to for today later in the afternoon.

[Time Skip]

It couldn't hurt to go around the town right? You haven't really had your own alone time, just you and your thoughts since almost all the time your thoughts are always clouded with thinking about Alastor.

Humming a beautiful melody, you couldn't help but to smile at how beautiful this day is. Though it would be more beautiful if Alastor had continue his plans for today, but not that you're complaining. But this day is a perfect opportunity to do that plan Alastor was talking about.

Though your mind wondered back, who was his visitor? And how come it's so urgent for him to do such a mysterious business.

Also, who are you missing out? It feels like you're forgetting something or specifically someone but you couldn't quite figure out as to who.

Though it has been a little while since you visited Greg's grave, so this might be the best chance you have to visit him since tomorrow you're going to be quite well busy. You're going to open your shop, and of course it's going to be busy. You can't just count on Alastor all of the time. You're an independent woman! Remember that!

𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now