(2020's) VIII

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I knew it, I fucking knew it.

"KENJI! IM SO GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU IF I DIE!" Lisa shouted as she clung onto me. We couldn't see through the darkness because this dumbass Kenji had his flashlight battery died down, while this fucking Lisa had lose her own.

"Bitch calm down. Use your phone's flashlight. Fucking dumbasses." He said, and I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"I left my phone." I said plainly through the darkness. I hear Kenji groan in annoyance.

"Really (Name)? For fucks sakes-"

"Just so you know Ken, this is your fault." Kim suddenly spoke which startled the three of us.

I sigh and rolled my eyes, huffing and then crossing my arms on my chest. This is really stupid. You know? If Avis is here she wouldn't agree with me entering here. I also thought of it since my mind has been becoming more sensitive whenever I see spirits, and I'm glad I haven't seen any since I've started highschool and met the twins.

It was really a relief that I almost forgot that I have this freaking ability that always freaks me out.

"So what do we do next?" Kenji said as he shine his phone's flashlight on me and Lisa. And for some reason, I can still feel Lisa clinging onto me. God, can this girl stop being so over reactive like Kim?

"We go out. Forget that we did this and-" I heard Lisa speak behind Kenji and beside Kim.

Wait, if I can still feel Lisa clinging onto, and then Lisa just spoke behind Kenji and that's clearly her voice, and her figure, then...


I stopped and stare at Kenji with wide eyes. I froze to my spot not being able to move.

"Hey, Hey, (Name) what the hell happened to you? You look like, like you've seen Lisa wearing a clowns make up." Kenji said chuckling afterwards.

Lisa hit him behind his head, "Asshole."

"Uhm..." Was the only word that came out, out of my mouth. Fucking...I want to go home! The cling was really tight, and is really holding onto me tightly.

But then, it slightly let's go of me until the grip had finally disappeared. I sigh in relief as I close my eyes and took a deep breath.

"But in all honesty. Feel anything yet? We're pretty much in further inside this maze of a building." Kenji asked.

I gulped and looked at him as I once opened my eyes. But instead of looking at him directly, my eyes landed onKim, who's standing quietly, her face began to get pale.

"Kim?" I called out to her.

"I-I feel something...o-on here..." She said as she pointed on her side, over to her waist.

I look and saw...

Oh my holy God Father of Jesus Christ....

W-What is that?!

W-What is that?!

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