(2020's) XXIX

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Reader's point of view

For the first time in what seems like forever, I'm finally home. It's been busy back in my company considering I have two to take care of. And as always, I never forget of who's waiting for me at home. Of course, it's my husband. And his name is Alastor. It's funny of how much I always think about our fate. It's almost as if it's already written. Well, of course it is. I am always thankful for it. I'm always thankful for Avis of giving the future that I didn't knew I deserve. Speaking of her, she may always thought that I won't forgive her, but it's the opposite. For what everything she did, in my past life and now, I've always been forgiving her. It's just, I missed her.

Our house Butler, a human, of course. Sebastian had been away in hell doing certain things for his original master, and I don't mind. I have all the money in the world to find myself a Butler.

They had opened the collosal door of my mansion for me. I quickly headed to a specific room of where I would expect Alastor would be.

It's been 2 years since all that crazy incident happened. Alastor and I, as much as I want to laugh at it, finally got married. Though, in a very specific way since he is a demon. We didn't get a priest for it since I'm sure Al would just kill that priest of the bat. And for sure, he wouldn't dare to enter the chapel just to get married.

So we set it up in the beach, got someone to bless our vows and I'm glad to see all my friends and my parents. Though, I've been keeping them a secret that my husband is a demon from hell. But who the hell cares anyway?

Though, it did surprise me to see Avis and Avix in the distance watching my wedding. Alastor did told me everything. I am not allowed to go to Avis and talk to her or else the deal she made to Lucifer will be broken, not that it will cost her life, but it would cost everything that I grew fond with. And that's Alastor.

I arrived at the door step of that certain room. I smiled to myself as I opened, and as I was expecting, there Alastor humming.

Carrying our 4 months old baby. It's a male! And I decided to name it Damian.

Alastor turned around with a usual big smile on his face, "Darling! You're finally home! We missed you!" He said as he wakes towards as he gives me a longing kiss on the forehead in which I couldn't contain of giggling.

Rolling my eyes, "I missed you too." I replied as I look at our little demon.

Now I know it's going to tough raising a half demonic child since Alastor did say that he's going back to hell since he is ordered to. And he also told me that he wasn't sure of where he'll come back here, so he's spending the days taking care of his little demon child.

My baby's eyes opened, his pupils were red but it looks more humane, he truly got his Father's facial features and I'm sure he going to grow to look like him.

"Aw, I miss you too, my sweet Damian." I said as Alastor gently gave me my baby boy.


He sigh as he is hesitant to leave. Leave you alone to take care of his beloved child. He took a deep breath and turned around to you once again, looking at you with such love.

You give him a smirk, "What? You sad of leaving me alone?" Well, duh, he is. Shut up (Name).

He chuckled and walked towards you, pulling you into his arms as he softly hold your chin up to look at him. And you, of course, give him your mischievous smile, in which he grew to love.

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