(2000's) III

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"Is that so?" Your grandmother asked, worried while she knit her brows. She looked at her husband whos intently listening to what the teacher said.

The teacher nodded sadly as she sigh, "Yes, I'm afraid so. Yesterday a student got himself hurt. I don't know if..."

"My dear grandchild did not interact with it teacher?" You grandfather suddenly spoke. His voice is serious, and it came out intimidating towards the teacher.

"I don't know Mr. (Last name), I was not there to see the whole picture." She said, "I also have the same gift." She added, which made the both elderly couple a bit taken back.

"How so?" Your grandfather asked. A bit suspicious.

"I can see spirits sir. (Name)-chan is not the only one." The teacher paused, "And to think that (Name) is always being followed by foul spirits...it's kind of...dangerous." she said, her face becoming grim and dark by the second she thought about the bad spirits lingering around such a sweet child.

"That is why I strictly prohibited her not to talk with those...things." The grandfather said.

"But (Name) is a child sir. A 10 years old who's curious at almost everything. You can not possibly say that she did not interact with them. These spirits can also show themselves as a human being." The teacher explained.

The grandmother was quiet, listening.

While the grandfather, he was almost as as speechless as his wife does. The teacher continued.

"Please, take (Name)-chan out of japan. She might get herself involve with these kinds of beings." The teacher said worriedly, "Worst, these spirit might attach themselves to her..." She stops, "Where is (Name)-chan?" She asked.

"In her room. Why?" The grandmother asked.

The teacher got up from her seat, "May I see what she's doing?" The teacher said. The grandmother nodded and follow her gestures as she stands up slowly.

"This way."


"Are you really secure leaving (Name) alone in a room?" The teacher asked worriedly, the grandmother nodded.

"We are secure letting her go alone. She may say something out of the ordinary, but nothing seems to be harking her in a way..." The grandmother explained which made the teacher nodd in response.

She's just worried over her own students safety, considering she's her homeroom teacher, she had to do something especially she can see some bad spirits just like the kid. And she's just being cautious since she's done seeing her students funeral for over years of her being a teacher.

And this time she made up her mind that she's going to do something about this.

"We're here. This is her room." The grandmother said as she stops by one of the sliding doors of the house. The door was plainly designed with Sakura flowers.

The grandmother slide it open to see her granddaughter on the ground doing some artwork and scribbles.

The teacher look over past by the elderly woman's shoulder to look,and there she saw (Name) with-

She suddenly gasp out of fear.

"W-What is that...?" She quietly said.

The grandmother looked back to her, worriedly, "What was what?" She said furrowing her brows to the teacher.

The teacher clasps her hand on her mouth preventing any noises or screams to come out.

She shakily pointed her index finger inside the room, and beside (Name). What she sees terrified her.

 What she sees terrified her

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"Something is beside her..." She said breathly and quietly. The grandmother began to get worried over nothing.

The grandmother looked back at her granddaughter to see nothing that the teacher described.

"Th-That's not a spirit Mrs. (Last name)...." The teacher said, quickly she closes the door slowly for the creature not to notice. But she was wrong.

The head of the creature quickly cracks it's head turn to her direction and stare at her eyes. It's like it's staring directly at her soul. She froze right into her spot.

(Name) took notice of her companions sudden action and did the same too look at the teacher.

"Ms. (random name)!" (Name) greeted with a smile.

Her grandmother is just behind the teacher who clearly froze into her spot as she seemingly stare back at the creature who first stared at her.

(Name) looked up to her companion and then to her teacher.

"Are you seeing them too?" She asked cutely as she stands up, scooting beside her supposed 'companion', "That's cool! Are you like me? Who can see them too?" She asked but the teacher didn't replied but gave her fearful stare at the child.

She wanted to say something, but it seems like there's nothing to say here considering the creature is intensely staring at her.

"This is my friend." You introduced as you grab the creatures black claws, you continued, "Their name is Avis!"


Sorry this is short. I'm really sorry it sucks too.

Btw thanks for reading. I hope I didn't ruin the plot for you...I really hope...

I'm just following my plans and I hope it didn't ruin your enjoyments.

I do hope you liked it thought.

Thanks again for reading. See you.


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