(2020's) XX

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She sigh, "Welp, time to make a deal." Ight, Avis had stand up from her throne. Sensing that her past human had advance within her memories. Dusting off her kimono, she snapped her fingers as her outfit changed into her casual clothing everyday. She clicked her tongue, "Things I do for them to have what they deserve." We know Avis, We know.


Alastor licked his lips and smirk, "Still sweet." He said as he supported your unconscious body and picking you up in a bridal style.

Now, what to do? What to do? What to do? Ah! Yes, Wait for something. He might need to have a call with thy Highness about this. He's worried that you might go insane by remembering the past. And he's also worried that the devil himself will pay him a visit with you being around.

Can't risk dying you again.

Carrying to his bedroom, and no readers, Alastor has boundaries. He knows not to take advantage of you when you pass out. A simple gentleman to follow a simple instructions. Why his bedroom you ask? So that he could keep you safe from any harm.

He was indeed exhausted from using too much magic. Him being in the living world and not being able to go back to hell was pretty much draining him. Thus, he ignores this just to keep you safe.

Placing your body down carefully on the soft acid red sheets, he carefully tucked your down as you dream about the past and all of it.


"What?" Lucifer glared at her.

Avis scoffed and gave a goofy grin, "Listen bro. This all fiasco is getting ridiculous and I'm here to stop it. Like, duh~" she said as she sticks her tongue out in the process.

Inside the room were the four overlords on side of Lucifer. Stolas, Vox, Velvet, and even that fucking pornographist Valentino. And Avis know that shorty will eventually order them to either kill both (Name) and Alastor.

"Avis. You do know that this is your fault right?" Lucifer said, now without a smile as his whole expression now turn into grim, which made the overlord quiet. Even Velvet.

She rolled her eyes, "I know duh. So how about this?" She said with a smile.

"You're proposing a deal? To me?" Lucifer said, not changing his stone cold expression.

Avis did the same, "Nah, not a deal. A promise." She said, "I'll stop going back to the living world and trying to get myself forgiven by our father." She said which made the overlords gasp, she rolled her eyes waiting for Lucifer's reply.

Then an idea came up inside her brain since she's starting to look weak infront of the other overlords, "And besides, I know how scared you are of me becoming one of the exterminators-"

"It's a promise, My dear sister." Quickly, Lucifer said with his voice a bit trembling. He looked both side to look at his overlords and cleared his throat, "You're all dismissed." He said shooing them away by a hand gesture.

"But what about my fee~? I didn't come here for free~!" Valentino said which gained an irk mark from Lucifer.

"Do you want me to call Miller for your satisfaction, Val?" He growled as his eyes turn red in rage.

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