(2020's) X

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The feeling in between your side was cold, a large space, and it feels like you're floating in an endless loop of darkness. You head feels light, though at some point you seem to can't move your every inch of body. You're free, but somehow kept captive. It was definitely ironic, this is the first time you felt something like not from before.

Where are you? What were you doing? What is the last thing you remember? What happened?

Those were the questions that's been running inside of your thoughts as You're stuck in this...place.

Is this...even a place? We wouldn't know.

"Ah, My dear..." A static voice, from a very distant. You heard, and you were not fond of hearing a voice.

Quickly, you opened your mouth to speak, "Where am I?" You asked, looking around but still, not being able to move around.

The weird voice could only just chuckled. Damn it, why does that sound so fucking hot? You asked yourself as you try to contain your blush. You were somewhat waiting for a reply, but all you received was silence.

5 hours earlier~


Avis looked back to see you and Avix with your other set of friends starts to walk away and out from her site, she quickly snaps her fingers as it somewhat creat a flaming portal. Entering, she was quickly brought to her Niece's not-so-brand new hotel.

Knocking on the door, she waited for a minute after the door was opened by Angel Dust.

"What's up-" before he could finish his sentence, he quickly shuts his mouth after he looked down to see who knocked, "Y-Your Highness! What brings you here? Are you here to destroy Charlie's part of plan?" He asked as he gave her a cunning smirk.

Avis rolled her eyes and shoved him aside to enter, "I got no time for your rainbow sparkles Angel. Where's Alastor?" She asked, clearly impatient. This somewhat reminds Angel of his Boss, Valentino...

Quickly, Angel answered, "In the main lobby." He said.

Avis nod and went inside more further. Once she arrived the said lobby, she quickly spotted the radio Demon. She was about to go in and talk to him about an important matter that'll involve him a little later when Charlie, her lovely Niece came in and gave her a tackle hug that she was not expecting.

"Aunt Avis!" Charlie greeted with such a smile, happiness overflowing her feelings. Such joy that after so many years, her Aunt finally visits the hotel(Times works funny in this realm).

"Hello Dear Charlotte." Avis said plainly. Charlie somewhat notice the non enthusiastic greetings from her Aunt. She's not usually this serious whenever they met...

Charlie gave her a questioning look, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Tired. Where's the radio Demon?" Avis replied plainly.

Charlie's eyes quickly widened up, did Alastor did something to make one of the royalties angry? Charlie was worried.

Usually, there are no royalties(Other than Miller who keeps bringing some hoes)visits the hotel. Now that it's something serious, her entire career or dreams could be at stakes.

Charlie gulped, "O-Over there Aunt." She said, pointing over to the tall(red)demon with a fancy suit talking to his long time buddy, from the living, and even in this realm, Husk. They look they're just chilling.

Avis sigh and walk towards the demon. After arriving, she cleared her throat.

"Alastor?" She called out. Straightening her posture.

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