(2020's) XIII

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Eyes. Eyes were everywhere. Students, especially girls wouldn't stop staring at the 'New Teacher' as he teach with a smirk. You wouldn't mind though, or at least give a littlest attention to it since History class always seem to bored you out.

No matter who the teacher is.

"Psst! Hey! (Name)." A whisper shout cane from your from Kim. You looked at her with half lidded eyes, showing how much zero interest you have in this class.

"Hm?" You hummed in response.

Kim giggled quietly, "Fuck Avix, I'm replacing him with this teach now." She squealed quietly as she has a faint blush on her cheeks.

You just looked at her boredly, wether give her a response or not. Of course, due to boredom, you just shrug and went back to staring outside the window. A hand on your chin, and of course, having your head stuck in the clouds.

While your personal Demon teacher the class. Of course, he immediately noticed that you're not listening. Maybe play a little game, hmm, maybe...

Make you jealous? But the question is, are you the jealous type? Well, Alastor is going to find that out real soon.

After seemingly staring at you form while speaking and informing these humans about what happened in the past, a student raise their hand for a question.

Immediately snapped him out from staring at you.

"Mr. Alastor!" She shyly said.

Alastor raised an eyebrow at her, "Yes..." Pausing and looking at you. He knows that you can hear him, you just decided not to pay attention. He smirked even more, "...Dear?" He said.

And that's where he caught your attention. You looked and actually knitted your brow. Actually quite confused of what's going on.

On your side, it was kinda flaring up your jealousy. And you have no idea why. Like, what the fuck does this demon is doing to you? Clearly, you don't like the feeling of being jealous.

The student blush, and let's hide her by the name Clarissa. Bitch Clarissa, what do you think you're doing blushing around our Daddy Alastor? Though, this time Alastor did not look back at you, not anymore. Knowing that he got your full attention now. He walked towards the student, who's clearly nervous and actually blushing hard right at this moment.

"Uh...M-May I ask...H-How many highschool s-students were drafted in the m-military in word war one?" She asked stuttering as she look up to the tall ass mother fucking hot douche and handsome of a Teacher.

He chuckled, which made Clarrisa blush even more, "Would you like to take a guess, Dear?" He said smirking down at the student.

"Eep-! Uhm...Haha..." She laughed nervously, though continuing to answer his question, "H-Hundred and Fifth?" She said, not sure if that true or not.

Alastor hummed in satisfaction, The student looked away from his gaze. Embarrassed by the answer that she made. She even gulped. Alastor on the other hand though, reached out for her chin and made her looked up to him.

Leaning closer, just a bit close. For about 3 inches away from her face. Alastor gave her smirk. He didn't pay attention to the whole class, especially the girls screaming and squealing. He spoke, "Very good." He said, then quickly pulling away and looked at your direction to see your funny expression.

You face was in a mixture of confusion, and just, confusion. Like to put it in a modern explanation, you just had a bruh expression.

He smiled at you, sweetly. Clearing annoying the hell out of you. Continuing though, "But that's not the answer that Im looking for. It's close, but not close enough to the answer. Ms. (Last Name), would you like to take a guess?" He asked, smirking at you.

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