(1920's) XVI

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Avis was taking too long and you want nothing to be out of this crowd outside your own shop. You also want to know what's happening.

"Let me in! I'm the owner." You said, looking at the officer with knitted brow.

Of course he lets you in, for the reason that he can't handle your adorable pleading face.

You saw the scene. The bakery was still in a good shape, clean like you left it. But there's this white cloth that's covering up a body, and there's blood stains in it. The thought of seeing blood made you pale.

"Hey! I thought I told you to stay outside?" You heard Avis. She approached you trying to cover your view on the body.

"My curiosity is killing me Avis." You said plainly, looking at her back to see Martin who kept her head hung low.

You heard Avis sigh as she pinch the bridge of her nose, her brows were knitted telling how stress she is.

Her twin brother, Avix approached the two of you as he stand next to his sister.

Looking at you with a asian-like smile, "No need to worry (Name)! It's nothing big." He said assuring you. But you can't buy that lie, knowing that Avis is not looking at you right in the eye.

Ignoring him was the best, since meeting him the first time didn't end up too good. Him and Avis had a fight and it totally looks intimidating, and the aura they're radiating that time wasn't human-like.

"Avis." You called her, worried, "Avis, please tell what's going on. Who's the dead body?" You asked, your voice rasing a little bit.

Avis looked at you with guilty eyes, her breath hitched and her brother can hear it.

"Avix! We need you here!"

"Coming! See you later guys!" He said waving good bye to the two of you as he approached the chief police who's standing next to Martin.

It left you with Avis, who's still not answering your question.

Does she deserves to know?

Avis asked herself as she slightly glare outside.

It couldn't be Martin. Martin is not going to kill him without any reasons, and I've trained her to contain her feelings. . .This just couldn't be her doing. . .

Noticing that Avis is deep inside her thought, you tried to seek for your answer as she didn't seem to notice that you're going towards the dead body.

Slowly moving out from her vision, you approached the body.

Many of them are busy so they wouldn't notice you going towards the body. Avis was also too busy inside her train of thoughts, and everytime she does that she lost contact of her senses in reality.

Besides, Martin had no reason to kill Greg. They have such a blooming relationship especially that Martin loves cooking.

The better question is, is this a frame up?

No, it couldn't be.

But it could be.

If Martin is going to the kill she would've used her claws.

But a knife?

Hey! (Name) is approaching Greg's dead body!

Her thoughts screamed at her. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts, trying to find you and when she does-

"(Name)! No!" She tried to stop you from opening the sheets of the dead body.

So much for your curiosity, "G-Greg?"

𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now