(2020's) XVIII

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Sorry Fangirls: I'm really sorry:


You seemingly stared at the portrait.

And Alastor waited for some kind of reaction.

Everything was quiet as he watches your gaze among the painting. Overwhelmed of your silence, and is actually worried. A Demon like him shouldn't feel this so, emotional. It's making him look so weak.

His once grinning face, and his signature smirk was gone and is replaced by a solid black look. It was unusual for him to do this expression.

But he didn't mind that at the moment, considering it's just you and he knows that you're not going to judge him.

He waited and stare at you expression. It was something that he couldn't quite express. You're so hard to read, not like from before.

Damn it.

"I've seen this man before." The flicks it.

"Darling, There's some other rooms here at my Manor that I think you might like." He said, trying to hide his emotions with a smile and his usual tone of voice.

You seemed to snap out of your little daze as you softly shook your head and turn your attention to him away from the portrait, "Huh? Oh, sure, but can you tell me who this man is?" You asked turning back your gaze to the portrait.

And for some odd reason, your face on that portrait was burned or had been ripped. He never knew why, and he was not likely to find out.

And he's actually glad that your memories didn't triggered just yet.

"Oh! Now I remember-"

What was that?

Who did you remember?

Who are you?

You're (Name) (Last Name).

Born in (2003/2004).

You're half japanese.

You're Father is a CEO of a company.

And so are your mother.

They make billions in just a month.

You are 16.

You just celebrated your birthday with your friends.

You know the existence of Demons because of the Magne twins.

But, why does it feel like that you do not belong in this Era? Were you supposed to be somewhere else?

Why do you have so many questions?

Why are you trying so hard to find out who you really are?

And why-

"Darling?" A voice called out. Your eyes were widened as you vision focused. You're looking down at your feet, you're wearing a some type of dress from somewhere vintage. A hand was placed on your shoulder.

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