(1920's) XXIX

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He was pacing back and forth. (Name) should be asleep now and everyone else at his household, but not him. He nibbing on his nail thumb. He couldn't think straight.

When was the last time he slept?

He wasn't like this before. Is it because he's not going what he's told to do? Is Lucifer that impatient? The more he refused to accept the task the more the whispers in his head gets louder. Lucifer is not going to stop doing this to him until he does what he's tasked to do.

Alastor sigh deeply and took a seat at the end of his bed. His eyes were bloodshot, he felt it dry from the lack of sleep. His heat was pounding, and for once this is the first he ever despise pain.

He gripped on his hair using both hands, he was breathing heavily. He almost forgot what he's going to do when he's like this.

Then it clicked on his mind.


When was the last time...

He killed and ate someone?


He was running. Away from someone. Away from that certain someone who wants him dead.

He doesn't how it started but, when he saw a tall shadow figured killing another person, he quickly made a run for it. Though, due to his panic he doesn't realized that he went deep inside this forest filled with tall pinetrees.

Alarming, he heard another gunshot which had cause some crows flying away from the trees. The sky is dark, and the only light source he has is the moon. Though it's not helping him still considering how much the trees are blocking the moon light.

"Damn it!" He cursed as he run much faster, "I know him. I know that figure!" He said to himself as he try to speak.

He gulped knowing that in a minute he could be dead. But he's sure he had gotten away, much more far from where he had seen him.

"I'm pretty sure I saw that famous grin..." He said to himself and dare to look back seeing that no one has been following his trail. He took a big sigh and supported himself on the nearest tree.

"That was the famous radio host...I'm sure that that's Alastor." He said, he grunted and then-


"AUGH!" He screamed out as he felt a severe pain on his back leg.

His breath had become heavy as he clutch on his leg that has been shot. Fear, he looked back and saw the same evil grin that he saw earlier.

"You're a tough one to catch." He said with a grin.

The man tried to get away but still, Alastor shoot his other leg which cause him to scream even more louder.

"Because of you I had to left those other bodies on my cabin. It's pretty far away from where we are now sir." He said plainly, low and menacing.

The man cried out knowing that he'll have to accept his fate of dying on this man's hand. He knows that Alastor won't give him any mercy.

It was a drag really, but Alastor was thankful because not just one, but three murders in one night made his mind feel a little bit relaxed. The thrill of hunting this man gave him relaxation and of course, some sanity.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he shook his head a little to hard but still with a grin on his face. He saw the man crawling away, whimpering and grunting because of the pain.

The sound was never new to him.

Then again, he approached the crawling man and stepped on his back to make him stop. Alastor may have been a bit skinny, but you couldn't dent how much skilled he is when it comes to hunting, shooting, and of course knife handling.

He wasted no time as he shot the man on the back of his head. The blood spills reaching on his shoes. He'll have to fix that later since he's getting really hungry with all these wild goose chase.

Its a good thing he manage to built and hire an architecture to built him a cabin out in the middle of the woods. The architect didn't question as to why since Alastor had payed him good money.

He had a trouble of bringing back the body back to his cabin, since like he said, they got pretty far away. But he manage to bring him there without any trouble. The only thing that disturbed him is because by carrying the mans body on his shoulder, the blood spills on his expensive coat. Now, he'll have to call either Rosy or Husk to bring him a new one.

"I guess my dear (Name) will have to spend the day tomorrow without me." He said, still with a smile. Though at the same time he felt a bit lonely. Just thinking about your smile and while not seeing it infront of his eyes made him go insane.

You make him go insane.

He dropped the body on to the ground making a loud thud on the wooden flooring. He sigh, closed eyes still with a grin as he place his shot gun on the nearest table.

His cabin wasn't that big, but since he hired an architecture the inside manage to look fancy enough for his liking. Just like his home.

Before all of this started, he actually manage to get fire done on the chimney which was the only light source he has. He looked at the two body piled up in the kitchen.

He went there and didn't bother to drag the third one with him there. He smiled widely as he took the apron that's been hanging on the door as he start with his work.

"Now I wonder what would it taste like if I cooled you guys into (Fav/Food)?" He asked himself as he chuckled getting the knife and starting his work.


I feel drained. Thank you guys for reading. I thank you all for the support.

I'm sorry if my chapters are becoming more and more shitty haha...


Once again, thank you.


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