(1920's) IV

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(Reader's) point of view

It was Sunday and i decided to close the shop for today for a little break. It's also a tradition that I adopt from my father. He always say that give a little time for ourselves every Sundays, and of course, give a little time for God.

It was a boring day if I'm being honest. I stand up from my couch and head for the stockroom where all, and most of my childhood memories where there. I do this everytime when I got nothing better to do. Better yet I experiment and make some more new cakes and ingredients.

I opened the creamy-white door, the dusts of the stock room had fell on my face causing me to sneeze a little. Its been awhile since I opened this time capsule of a room.

Its where most of my memories and other stuff from my childhood.

I pulls out a dusty and old album, this album was made by my mother and her best friend in the year 1909. I couldn't remember much to that year, so this is why I'm here to remember all the things I forgot on my childhood.

Sneezing so quietly because the dust particles had came in to mess with my nose.

After I opened the album, I was met with an old picture. . .

Who is this? Who are they? Are they. . .Singing?

The boy in the middle look so familiar, but I couldn't out my finger on it. I swore I saw his old version somewhere. Definitely identical.

 Definitely identical

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"So familiar. . ."


"Oh my, Oh my, Oh my. . ." You heard a feminine voice. Currently yesterday was a bit of a lazy day for you but now, you've gone back to work.

"If it isn't my favorite baker in the world!" You turned around to see who it was from your working area at the kitchen.

You saw a face who's you familiar that's been grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Avis!" You quickly drop down the equipment that's on your hand and ran out of the kitchen to give your long time best friend a big warm hug.

"Hey! How's our favorite baker?" She asked, but you didn't answered as you ran to her arms and hugged her.

She chuckled, "Well, someone missed me? Admit it, you missed me?" She said with a goofy grin. You giggled.

"Of course I missed you dummy!" You said slightly pushing her on the shoulder. It's been a long time since both of parted ways, she needed to follow her dreams because that's what her father wanted, following their families footsteps, "So! How are you? Have you become the "world's greatest scientist"?" You asked jokingly.

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