(2020's) XXIII

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"(Name)! I-I like you!" He confessed as he offer you a white rose, shyly looking away as you stand there not knowing what to say.

"I would like to kill him now, Darling." Alastor said behind you. Of course he was invisible to others, but only visible to you.

"You're not going to kill anyone, Al." You replied within your thoughts that he can clearly hear.

"As you wish." He shortly replied and within a minute, everything was silent.

You sigh and looked at the boy, he was the silent boy from before who got your paper from Avis on your old history class.

Taking a deep breath you replied to him, "I'm so sorry for you to think that I'm still single. But I'm not."

And there, he was instant rejected.

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Class went by pretty well, and next up is History class where your 'Boyfriend' would teach the class with his human form. As ridiculous as it sounds, and how fucked up it is, you've finally had the courage to convince yourself that Alastor is indeed your boyfriend and a potential future husband. Well, duh, of course he will be I mean, he's your personal demon and he will literally stay by your side until you die.

Not paying attention too much to class, not that Alastor he continued lecturing the class even though it's a complete nonsense.

You took a deep breath as you stare outside as your head going up in the clouds. Having thoughts here and there.

Thoughts like:

Damn, I feel kind of guilty about rejecting that dude in a not so nice way.

I can't believe I have a Demon for a boyfriend.

I wonder how Avis is. She's not here in class, and neither her brother.

I hope I can play video games later tonight.

If Alastor is my past lover, then did we do something erotic back then?

"Darling, you do know that I can hear you're thoughts, right?"

Hearing his voice inside your head. You blushed and quickly look at his direction to see him smirking darkly at you. His eyes were onto you but alas, he continued talking about history and such. Not that other student mind since there were something on the board that needs to taken copy of.

With a flush face, you quickly look away to hide it. But still, Alastor was still talking to you inside your pretty little head.

"I had to stop you before you took your thoughts into another level, my dearest." He said with a following chuckle.

"Shut up." You replied as Alastor laugh.

"Do be attention this time, love. This is going to to your test as to what I've heard." He said. And of course, as a man in the 20s education is very much important.

If he's not being flirty with you and all that shit, at some time being he'll be right there to teach you everything about history. It's like having a lover, and tutor at the same time. And also, you're being tortured by his flirtatious remarks which will never fail to make you blush.

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