(1920's) XI

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"Avis, Now that you're awake, let's follow (Name) on her date." Greg said as he follow the sober woman towards the couch. Avis plop down.

"Greg. Let her be, she's like, 21 years old! She's not a little kid anymore! And besides, she can handle herself just fine! Just because you're not the one she's going out with-" Rant here, Rant there. Of course, Greg would've seen it, but he desperately needed to check up on you. He doesn't trust Alastor.

"She's going out with Alastor." He said, Making Avis stop at her words. Even half from drinking a real water this time(Stay hydrated bois)

Avis stand up from the couch, "Alright, let's follow 'em. But first, let me involve someone else." She said as she grab her lab coat. Greg smiled.

Avis noticed, "Don't smile Greggy boy, of (Name) ever finds out that we followed her, I'm blaming you. I'm just agreeing to come with you because I don't trust Alastor, He seems off in some way. It gives me the creeps." Avis said heading out the door. Greg followed.


"Tell me again. Why do we need your buff Butler?" Greg asked worriedly. The male was tall, just the same height as Greg.

Martin looked at him, glaring a little at the remark Greg had made.

"That is offensive! I need Martin to do a certain job inside the restaurant so it wouldn't be suspicious that we're there." Avis said. As they enter the same restaurant that (Name) and Alastor had a date with.

"Ms. Asmodeus! It's an honor to have you visit our-" Avis cut off the receptionist words as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, Table for two please." She said, not having anymore patient. The reception nodded his head, clearly noticing the distaste of the scientist on his service.

Avis looked at Martin, "Martin, Go and dress up. Just like I told you, no killing~" Avis sang the last words.

Greg looked at her in shock, "K-Killing?!" He shouted, but not too loud since the music inside covers his voice.

Avis walked away as Martin walked towards the staff room to change.


"Kidding! It's an expression!" Avis said, started laughing, "Let's take a seat! I see them already." She said looking at the one particular table where (Name) and Alastor had seated. Greg also looked, but didn't said any word.

Third person's view(Reader)

There was a silent, a little awkward but since Alastor was staring at you with a wide smile, you wonder what's he thinking about.

"I-Is something on my face?" You asked, touching your soft cheeks.

Alastor chuckled, "Nothing, (Name)." He said.

Did he just. . .said your name? For the first time?!

You blushed, knowing how good he sounded when he says your name.(which sounded so weird tbh)

Alastor continued, "You just look so beautiful I can't stop myself from staring at you." He said as he continues to stare at you dreamily.

Blushing, you don't know how to react nor reply at his sweet words. Is he being serious right now? Is he really this. . .Flirty?

Frowning at the thought. Maybe Alastor had many women on his life that's why he's so good at making you blush. You know it's sounds crazy, but what if Alastor is just playing with you?

Alastor notice your frown, he couldn't think of a reason to make you sad. Maybe you felt uncomfortable by the way he acts. Alastor panicked, but he didn't show it.

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