(2020's) IV

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5 years later~

"Hey! Richkid!" Someone shouted.

You didn't bother to turn around in any case that they're just going to annoy you, it's getting kind of boring dealing with them. You just kept walking.

Tomorrow is going to be the day you're going to be 16(Kunwari birthday mo daw bukas). And, as always, your mother and father aren't going to be there to celebrate it with you. They're just going to send you expensive gifts that you don't even need or want.

You just want them to be on your birthday this year, thats all you want, thats all you wished.

Suddenly, you felt a weight on your shoulders, you looked up to see your friend thats been grinning at you. Their whitish-yellow eyes were half lidded as they give you a signature smirk.

"Let's grab something to eat! I'm hungry!" They chimed. Their white hair danced with their every movement.

"Avis, it's getting late. We should get home!" You said glaring at them for being such a crackhead. Your mother had tasked you to always get home on time, and that you should always be responsible needless to say that they are not there with you all of the time.

They clicked their tongue and rolled their eyes, "Seriously (Name), get off with that goody two shoes of an attitude you have and have some fun! We're highschool students for fuck sakes!" They said as they pull you closer to their face, their eyes staring in yours, "And besides, your parents aren't always home right?" They said.

You sigh and furrowed your brows, "Fine. But let's make it quick." You said pulling away from them as you cross your arms on your chest.

"Stop puffing your cheeks like a typical tsundere, I might assualt that." They said as they began to rummage inside their bag to get some money for the both of you.

You just ignored their antics and starts to walk away to the shop where they always buy food for the both of you. It's not really fancy, and you don't mind the place considering it's really sanitized. And growing up inside a clean ass manor, with a clean freak of a Butler, it's really hard to get used to a dirty environment.

It's been five years, and your memories on your childhood days were really blurry. And whenever you try to remember, all you get is a headache, and whenever those headache occur, the memory would get more fuzzy and more blurry.

You waited for them to buy you your favorite flavored milktea, it was really affordable and Avis always treats you with it right after school ends.

Basically last five years, your grandparents quickly moved you out of japan back here at (US/Europe) and there you started entering highschool, and that's where you met Avis. Technically they were the one who first introduced themselves to you and that's where the two of you became best friends.

The two of you actually met in 7th grade, and now that you're in 10th grade, you and them have been having this friendship for over 3 years and a half.

Pretty much a solid friendship.

"Well, this is where we part. See you tomorrow Avis." You said as the two of you arrived at the cross roads. Avis is going to be taking a turn to the left, while you on the right.

"Yeah, see yah!" They said as they waved off running towards the way where their house is going to be. You watch them disappear out of your view as you take your turn to your own path.

Getting home is just easy, and more safe when you take this road.


𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now