(2020's) XVII

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Everything: is going down: from here;


So, this is why his sister had been busy for the last 5 years.

Wrath had growled under his breath, not liking this idea of his sister, he needs to do something. That mortal has been in the way. His sister wouldn't budge and Lucifer can tell so.

Two of the eldest siblings had a serious talk. And Wrath had reveal that the mortal that Avis is trying to keep safe is alive and is indeed had been reincarnated.

"Is that so...?" Lucifer said as he take a sip on his hot tea. The king of all nine hell's had been this calm and preserve. Wrath had thought that he's going to act so violently, not like he did when they were freshly sent out of heaven.

But he guessed, time really does change on demon. Wrath nodded, "It is seems so. What shall we do? Shall we call a punishment for our dear little sister?" Wrath asked softly as his sharp canines shows.

Lucifer chuckles, "Not any punishment will be given to her. And if we did, Her twin brother will just catch it." Lucifer explained as he grinned. Speaking once again, "Where do does this human lies?" He asked.

"That's the information I have not yet know." Wrath said as crack his neck.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find out. Bennett." Lucifer called out as he once again took a sip of his tea.

A Butler had appear. Green eyes, black raven hair and is clearly the same height as Wrath which is 6 flat. This is hell's head Butler. One of the first finest, and is the personal Butler of the Queen. Lilith.

"My king." They bowed down. Wrath had watched them bow as raised a brow.

"Why I haven't seen this mortal soul before." Wrath said. In which Bennett had ignore the other Majesty.

Lucifer also did and asked away, "How's my Lili~?" He asked so lovingly at the thought of his wife.

"She's doing fine, your highness." They replied shortly.

Lucifer nodd in satisfaction, "Listen, I have a job for you to do."


Of course, they were tasked to know where the human lies and lived. And gather the most information they can have. What Martin didn't know is that the Human is protected by two other Demons that they soon will know.

Wearing their signature suit, they walk around the city to find you and where you lived. And of course, they eventually found it.

So easily.

"Living the luxurious life." They said as they jump over the tall railings of the wall. Landing perfectly in their feet.

Now to know your information.


Sebastian had felt the familiar presence of someone he knew so very well. What are they doing in here? For sure that that Butler will never have the time to roam around the living world considering they serve the Queen. So why the sudden appearance.

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