(2000's) II

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Many kids in your class mostly avoid you because you say something that sometimes they don't want to hear. But most kids also wants to become your friend since they think that you're gifted with something that they don't have.

That is true, you are gifted with something.

And now that you're 10 years old, your Father decided that you should finish your grade school here in Japan. Mostly because they're not going to be able to take care of you due to how busy they are, so your Father planned that you should stay just for a little bit while with your grandparents.

But if you finish grade school here, you would be able to flew back to the US and that's where you are going to start your junior highschool.


Reader's point of view

My grandmother always says that I should be thankful of my own gift. But I don't see it as a gift anymore, I see it now as more like a curse.

My grandfather also warned me that do not interact with the beings that I can only see, and that's naked in the normal eyes of others.

I envy them since they don't get to see those scary things that only I can see.

"Ne! Ne! (Name)-chan! Do you see anything weird right now inside our classroom?" My classmate asked me with such excitement in her eyes. I gave her a normal smile and was about to talk when-

"I heard one of the teachers talking, they said that this, our classroom, is really haunted by some not-so-friendly spirits." The boy explained as they approached me.

I stayed quiet not wanting my words to get cut off like usually do.

"Really?" The girl who asked me first said. She took back her attention to me.

I raise a brow, "You...You want me to look around? To see if it's real?" I asked.

Aren't they bothered wether or not I'm going to tell a lie? I hope they don't make fun of me like those kids did in my neighborhood...

"Yeah! You don't mind right?" She asked.

It was the end of the day, our class has already ended and few of my remaining classmates stayed a little more to chit-chat a little bit. I look out outside of our classroom window to see how the sky became so dark and heavy. Then later on it started to drop some little rain, but not heavy enough to make the river flooded.

I gave her a smile and nod, "Sure. But I hope you don't make fun of me." I said worriedly.

The girl only laugh, "Of course not! We also believe to that gift of yours." She said giving me a sincere smile.

It's not a gift...

I thought as I knit my brow. They didn't seem to notice and just gave me a smile of encouragement.

Part of me was saying I should just let them down and immediately go home, but part of me says that I should at least tell them if there's some sort of entity or ghosts inside our supposed to be haunted classroom.

They watched me as I grave my eyes around the classroom, from my eye view then up to the ceiling. But then...

𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now