(2020's) IX

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Okay, Okay, first you need to calm down. Why, by, all of a sudden, you became so nervous out of blue? Kenji on the other hand doesn't seem to notice or feel your sudden nervousness, was it anxiety? You couldn't tell.

Maybe you're not sure if this thing will work or not, but with a gift like this you are warned, not just by your grandfather but also a priest. That you should never, and never make in contact of the deal or maybe even the supernatural.

But, Avis and Avix are no harm to you. In fact, both of them are your most trusted friends! Of course, right after they fully introduce themselves to you, of course you were at shock. But, it didn't stop you from being friends with them.

You know deep down, that a Demon, was once a Human, and is infact has a humanity in them.

(Lucifer: Do me (Last Name), do me.)

"Alright (Name). I found this on Wiki, we're going to summon a very odd Demon called-" Kenji was cut off by Kim.

"Wait, Wait, are you really sure about this? What if, what if it worked?" Kim said, worried eyeing you down. You just gave her a nervous smile.

You are basically stand outside of the pentagram as your friends seemingly to back up, and only you are the only one that's close to the pentagram.

"If it's going to work, then it worked. I'm not sure though on how we're going to get out of here if it worked, but I'm sure it's not." Kenji said confidently, also with a smug smile.

Kim groan as she rolled her eyes, "Dude, you're not thinking about our safety, let alone (Name)'s!" She exclaimed.

"You're being over dramatic Kim." He said plainly and was about to read the article once again when Lisa stopped him by talking.

"Kim is right Ken, our life could be in danger if it somehow works. Think for a minute you douchebag." She said, supporting the idea of Kim.

"Well, we should ask (Name) if we should stop or not since she's basically is the one who's going to start the fucking ritual." He said glaring at Lisa before looking at you as his eyes soften.

Lisa and Kim looked at you. Kim slightly shook her head as a sign of 'No'. Lisa on the other hand just stared at you, not sure of what your answer is going to be. You and the other hand was clearly nervous, and currently under pressure. Kenji spoke,

"What do you say princess?" He asked, not giving you a smirk. Clearly this time, he's being sincere and serious.

You sigh, battling with your mind if whether you should continue this or not. But, But your curiousity is totally going to kill and in fact, you're going to regret it if you don't find it out.

You know, You know, 'Curiosity kills the cat!'. But it's not going to harm you right? Just be careful about it and you're going to be alright.

Sighing, you pinch the bridge of you nose, clearly thinking and battling with your own thoughts.

"I'm sorry to say this girls, but I'm too curious to let this one chance go." You said as you breath out. You didn't even notice that you've been holding your breath in. Damn it, why do they gotta make this so hard and put you under pressure? You hate it.

"OH COME ON!" Kim shouted in disbelief.

Lisa groan and throw her hands up in the air, "Are you serious?" She said while looking at you in disbelief, "I always thought you're not like Kenji who's into creepy stuff." She said sighing afterwards.

"Well, Curiousity is Curiousity." You said smiling nervously at her.

She rolled her eyes and cross her arms against her chest, watching.

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