(2020's) XXV

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You stared at her back in disbelief. Is it really her? Well, damn, it's her voice that's her hair and especially that's her height. Let alone a grown woman would order a chocolate frappe, it's her.

Alastor noticed and clearly, he knew who that is. He cleared his throat, "Love. Let's go. We don't want to be late-"

"Avis?" You called out.

And how Alastor would want to curse inside his head right now. He wanted to pull you away, but he also want to see what's going to happen next considering that the female infront of the both of you didn't moved after flinching slightly.

"Avis, is that really you?" You said as you reach out to her. But stopped midway when you saw the staff member came with her order.

"Here's your order, ma'am! Have a nice day!" They smiled at the coater sweetly.

And there you waited for her to turn around. You either want to slap her for disappearing and not contacting you for about 2 years, but you also want to hug her since you also missed her a lot.

There was silence between you and Alastor as the female turned around.

It was indeed Avis, "A-Avis!" You smiled widely but stopped when she looked down at you coldly and took back her gaze at Alastor. Right there, she gave a menacing smile(Like Isabella's from the promised Neverland).

And there, something flicked insides Alastor's head. That smile.

It was a threat.

"Darling. Let's get going now." He said as he took your hand attempting to pull you away outside, but you didn't budge from your position.

"Now, just wait a minute. Avis! What the fuck?" You said as you took back your hand from Alastor. Alastor didn't felt this intimidation and fear before. His flight or fight response is kicking in, and it flight. Whatever it is, the silence that Avis give was something that he would lastly wish for.

You walk closely to Avis, "How can you disappear from your best friend like that? You didn't even call me let alone talk to me." You said as you try yourself to calm down. Trying not to draw any attention. The café was busy enough for you guys to be noticed.

She stayed quiet but still with that smile. Her golden eyes were glowing but you payed no attention to it since you really want to wipe that annoying smile on her face.

She gave no replied to your words and walk pass by you. Not even giving you a second glance.

Your eyes widened as your eyebrows knit in frustration. Turning around, you quickly catched her hand, stopping her from walking.

"Avis-!" You attempted once again to try and talk to her. She did stopped from her position when you catched her hand. But she didn't turned around.

Alastor took a deep breath, "Love, let's just go. Maybe Avis is not in the mood." He said as he try to get your hands of off Avis.

"No! I just want to know why she suddenly disappeared like that!" You shouted. But not drawing any attention since the café was loud enough for your shout to be heard.

Sighing deeply, you pull Avis' hands to you direction. But she didn't budge.

"D-Did I do something wrong to make you leave my side? I-I thought-"

"Hands off. Now."

Your eyes widened as she slightly turn her head towards, just enough for you to see her eyes. Her orbs turned into deep red and is now glowing.

You glared at her, "No! Tell why me why the fuck would leave that way?!" Frustrated. You asked.

Alastor clicked his tongue as he snatch your hands away from Avis'. You looked at Alastor and he has this stern yet disappointed look on his face which made you stop on what you're about to say to Avis.

"Darling. We should go." He said as he looked down at you, he looked back at Avis who still had her demonic eyes glowing, bowing, Alastor spoke, "I'm sorry for that, You're highness. We'll be going now." He said as he pulled you away from the female who had been coldly staring at you and your soul.

As you're being dragged away, you watch Avis' back didn't moved or even gave you a second glance.

"If I suddenly ignored you, that means I'm just sad. And whenever I'm sad. Just hug so that I wouldn't ignore you anymore!" She smiled at you as she ruffles your hair. You glared at her and playfully slap her shoulder.

"That hair! Fuck you!"

A hug.

Quickly, before Alastor could further more take you out of the café, you did your best to get away from his soft grasp.

Successfully you did.

"A-Ah, (Name)." Alastor sounded so stern but you payed no mind.

And with that, you quickly run towards Avis and hugged her back. And that draw attention towards the others.

"I know you're sad! But whatever it is that I did! I'm sorry-"

Before you could speak anymore further, Alastor eyes widened in fear as he saw the whole place turned into black, everything. The people disappeared.

As quickly as it is, he pulled you away harshly from Avis. Surprised you quickly look back to Alastor.

"Al?! What is your problem-" Without letting you speak anymore further, he put his hand on your mouth and turning you around to see what is happening on your best friend.

Black, darkness, a void. With her piercing red eyes in the darkness, eyes, multiple eyes appeared, mouth thats curved into a menacing grin appeared.



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"Flee. Before I do something that I soon might regret."

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I have picture of it but wattpad is on drugs.
Yet again another shitty chapter.


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