(1920's) II

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It was already 12 in the afternoon and you felt a little(too)hungry. Deciding to eat at the nearest diner, you put up the sign at you glass panel window so that people are aware that you're on your break.

The heat was just fine, it's not too hot to give you a sun burn, and it's just fine to give a fuzzy warm peaceful walk towards the nearest diner. You're currently in the year of 1920's or somethin', I mean, you're lucky you are not going to witness how the nature is dying and people are too toxic to handle in the next 90 years-


Arriving at your said place, you entered the place and the lovely smell of foods hits your nostrils right away.

You look for a seat thats just next to the counter near a jukebox also.

"Hello (Name)! Lovely afternoon yeh?" Your long time friend, and the owner of the diner, Greg, greeted with a smile.

"Hey Greg! Just the usual, I'm hungry." You said as you huff at your seat, pouting a little.

"Alright! You're food will be serve in 20!" He said with the same enthusiasm that you always give to your costumers.

You nodd with a small smile. Currently the place wasn't that too crowded unlike in some other time, there were costumers here and there but they were Solo or just two of them in one seat.

Greg's diner came in to grew big. You were actually proud of him because he's actually reaching out on his dreams. Fast, actually.

And you? Just a little bit more and you're going to have another branch in New York! That way you could move out of this town and start over at the big city.

(I ain't sure if New York is already a big city in the 20's but eh? I'm too lazy to search it up. Sorry if u have a lazy authorಠ◡ಠ)

After a minute or so, The waiter turned on the radio. You guessed it's because of Greg's liking on music and has requested his worker to turn it on.

There was a jukebox, but you have to pay for it to be able to play a music.

"Here's your order!" Greg said as he placed down the plate infront of you. He was also holding another plate on his other hand.

"Oh thanks!" You said beaming a bright small.

Out of your notice since your focusing too much on the delicious food infront of you. Greg had blushed after you gave him that bright smile of yours.

"Smells good as usual!" You said.

Greg could only watch as he sat down infront of you.

You gave him a confused look. Ain't he suppose to be workin' now?

"Greg? Weren't you supposed to be in the kitchen?" You asked. It didn't sound like you didn't want him to seat right infront of you, it just sounded like a business concern.

"Oh! I haven't anything ever since we opened up so, I decided to cook some for myself too and join your lunch!" He also beamed a smile. But it's not as bright as you.

"So, how's the pastry shop (Nickname)?" He asked as he munch on his food.

You took a small bite of you food and looked up to him as you chew, making your cheeks to be a little bubbled. Making it look like you have a chubby cheeks.

God, why did you made this adorable woman?

Greg thought as he blushed once again. He's not falling for you now is he?

"Uh, it's been good. Business becoming a little too busy since holiday is coming up." You replied.

"You cook so good to be honest." You complemented.

He chuckled, "Oh shut it, as if it's your first time eating that here." He said with a nervous smile, still having that blush on his face.

"Hello New Orleans!"

The voice on the radio catch both yours and Greg's attention.

"Oh good! He's on!" Greg said in excitement.

"Who?" You asked,

"The famous radio broadcastor, Alastor." He replied with a smile, "I don't know why but his channel always makes me wants to listen more, maybe it's because he broadcast the news that's been happening around."

"Oh yeah, I've read him in some of the parts in today's news paper." You replied as you continue to eat on your food.

"Before I start off the show! I just want to announce something! That sweet woman at the pastry store earlier have served me the bestest and finest back coffee that I have ever taste here in New Orleans. I missed the opportunity to ask her name! Haha~"

You stopped eating your food and stare at Greg. He gave you a confused look.


"I'm the one who served him that black coffee that he's talking about." You said.


"It's so ironic fellas, that a sweet woman like her is serving me up something so bitter that I forgot that's it's actually bitter!" Then on cue, there was a laugh. A group of laughing people after his remark.

Greg didn't liked it though. But as for you, it left you flustered.

Earlier you actually thought that he's a gorgeous man, I mean, it's not argumentative, but it's agreeable.

He called you sweet. You were sweet? No, you're just actually acting like your own self. You weren't acting sweet at all. Was serving him a black coffee considered as sweet?

Actually, its not. He just actually finds you sweet.

Greg didn't made any remark about it, and as for you, you stayed quiet whilst eating your food.

But your mind had so many thoughts right now, some of them were disturbing like:

Was he watching you while you work?

Or something like,

Maybe he's just being nice since he also said it himself that it's the finest coffee that he ever tasted here.

But noooo! You thoughts were dominated by the first one.

You tried to shook it out of your head, and as Greg saw your discomfort look, he knew that he should be watching out for since there's a killing spree happening around and that, you needed safety.

But that's not the problem.

Greg was jealous because a radio host made you flustered more than him, and it was in a split of seconds!

You're a woman that's hard to get, unknowingly for you because you don't get flustered so easily. Greg had many attempts to flirt with you. But none of them made you blush.

And this? This radio Host made you flustered with just a simple remark?


Now Greg realized.

Greg realized that he, himself, is falling for a wonderful and kind woman like you.


last minute update before I go to bed.
Some mistakes here and there and I'll try to fix them all up when I can.



I suck at this wtf?


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