(2020's) XV

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It was warm. The feeling of warmth and a sudden nostalgia hits me back once again.

I am myself, but not my own body.

"Good morning Mrs. Kursh!" I said with a smile. Who am I portraying? Surely enough, I know that I am dreaming. But it feels so real and vivid. Am I...

Lucid dreaming again? I've never had one of these kinds of dreams since I was 9.

"Lovely day, isn't it, (Name)?" She said my name with a smile. Her dressing for an old woman is not modern. I've actually studied this, and it seems like she's wearing a 1920s kind of clothing.

Ask me why? Blame my past history teacher for making us do a research about the picture show in the roaring 20s.

"Yes. I agree. Though, come back by afternoon! Chiffon cakes will be served!" I smiled sweetly at her. This is a weird dream.

"Oh yes. Might as well buy me and my grandson some of your delicious treats!" She said as she started to walk away. I looked at my hand and notice myself sweeping the outside.

And then later on, when it felt like the eternity. The room changed and I was baking. It was more hotter inside this kitchen, and I can see my hands working on the cake that I was supposed to be making. Later on, I heard the door bell rang.

It was a common thing in this time. Putting a bell to the door, so when someone opens it you will be informed.

I didn't even realized that I have a smile on my face as I dust my hands off to the waited apron that I'm wearing. The room quickly changed and I'm standing infront of the cashier, with a man on the other side, ordering his order.

He was tall. A brunette. He looks familiar, but where have I seen him before.

"Black coffee, and no sugar~" he sang. His voice was also familiar.

Time seemed to stop in this dream as the man infront of me stare right into my eyes. His brown eyes stared right at me, piercing through my soul as I felt something ignite with in.

My heart begin to rapidly beat, as I felt my face get hotter by the second he stared at me.

"Are you alright, Darling?" He asked me. This dream version of mine shook my head softly.

"T-That'll be 10€." I stuttered. And when he smiled at me, everything dissolves and I'm in the different room now once again.

I was with the man. In a fancy restaurant, people were wearing fancy clothing and I did too. He was there, on the opposite side of the table.

I can hear my heart beating so fast, and I could feel my cheeks are getting hot. The man was staring at me with a love sick smile. I thought it was sincere, but I can see the way his eyes tells it so.

He spoke, "I love you, (Name). I really, really do. I've looked for you everywhere, let alone have effort of coming to our old hometown just to ask your mother of where are you now! I just. . .You've captive me my dear (Name). . ." He said.

And there, I heard something snapped. Then a glass breaking, I looked from my behind to see everything turning white and the entire room is melting away.

I looked back to the man who just confessed his feelings to my dream self, and there, I familiarized his face whole face.

"Deer Demon...?"


"39.5" Sebastian said as he placed down the temperature on your night stand. Alastor had stayed quiet. Dread and fear crept up, and he's not liking it.

He shouldn't have done that. If he didn't let his urges get the best of him then he wouldn't have to deal with his worries and other emotions. Sebastian, had of course, noticed his sudden change of behavior. Her royalness had informed Sebastian about this whole fiasco.

Sebastian snapped his fingers, which caused Alastor to snapped out of his little trance. There, Sebastian summoned a coolaid and placed it carefully on your heating forehead. Your eyebrows were knitted. And it seems like your having an extensial crisis.

"Need not worry, Sire. M'lady will be fine. It's just a common cold. Though I should warn you, that if you ever advance that far again, you might lose her again." And with those word. Sebastian shortly bow and teleported himself out of the room.

Leaving Alastor with you.

"Sigh, (Name). What in Lucifer's name are you doing to me...?" He asked you or more like talk to himself. He ruffles his red hair fraustratedly with his hands.

He couldn't bare the thought of you dying again. No. No. Not. Again.

Sebastian also told him that he shouldn't worry, it's just a common cold-

(Avis: OH NO! WHAT IF?! Me: What if? Avis: WHAT IF SHE HAS COVID?!??? Me: *Punches her to sleep*)

A common cold. It's nothing serious.

He closed his eyes, his breathing got heavy as he tries to calm himself down. His thoughts were running around inside his head as it gets louder and louder...

He's so fraustrated over losing you again. He try to pace his breathing down. And when he did-

"D-Deer...Demon..." You speak out loud on your sleep as you move around with your eyebrows knitted. It somehow managed to snap Alastor off to whatever he's crisis right now.

He got up from his chair and looked at your sleeping form in disbelief. Are you seeing him in your dreams? Avis never mentioned this to him before, and she never did.

You can't remember. Not yet. He's too scared.

But, why Deer Demon?

The real question he's asking is, are you seeing him in his Demon form and you're just having an early memory for a dream, or is it something that he wished you didn't dreamt of?

Please tell him that you're not dreaming of your past memories.


Under Editing.

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