(2020's) XXIV

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Time surely does fly fast.

18 years old and your Father already gave you his company. To top it all up, your mother is eventually going to give her company too. And damn, ain't it pressuring? Well, also, you need choose which college you're going to be entering. But the main problem you have is that the business your father has is already counting on you.

Stressing yourself up, you rest your head into your study desk. Alastor not being around made it even more stressful. The demon just discovered that he can go back and forth in Hell. And now that he does, he has some certain business to attend to.

Especially he's been gone in Hazbin Hotel for a really long time without even saying a word to his business partner.

You hadn't realized that you slept through all day in your desk. With a drool and a pool of your saliva on your desk, you stare in disgust as you grab a cloth to clean it all up.

You looked at you digital clock that it's already 10pm sharp, and still Alastor was nowhere to be seen.

You had to admit. This is the first time he's been gone, and you already miss him being there right by your side even though he's always making you blush from time to time.

Sighing, you stand up from your seat and head out to grab a snack before going to bed. As you open the door of your bedroom, the whole hallway was dimmed and the only light source that this hallway has is the moon light. It's full moon.

For a big Manor, and only 4 to 3 people are only here you had to be honest with yourself that it's getting too lonely. Too quiet.

You missed the days where your friends would always visit, but now things have slightly change and of course, you have to adopt to that and get used to it.

But it sure do will take a lot of time.

Reaching the kitchen with your quiet thoughts, you quickly head towards the fridge and open it and started to raid all the snacks. And when you got all you need, you sigh and closed the fridge leaving you with a dark kitchen and fill of snacks in your arms.

Not that the dark scares you, it's actually quite peaceful being surrounded by the dark. Back then you are, but knowing you have someone to protect you, you now find a peaceful time in the darkness.

Heading upstairs, your footsteps were so quiet considering you're only bared foot in your luxurious carpet it made it more quieter.

As you walk towards your bedroom and reaching the door, you opened it. Entering and closing it with your foot you head to your bed to drop all the snacks that you hoard and when you turned around you are met by the familiar face of your lover.

"Isn't it a bit late, Darling?" He asked with a grin. He stared down at you, seeing you still in your daylight clothes. He clicked his tongue. A bit disappointed, "Did you slept through the whole day again?" He asked.

You rolled your eyes, "Being pressured make me tired!" You whined as you drop yourself to your cozy bed. Alastor chuckled.

"Did I miss anything today, my lovely sweetheart?" He asked as he took a sit beside you.

You sigh, "Nothing much. Tomorrow we're going to fly back in Japan since I'm going to be signing a paper for me to have my mother's company." You said as you lay down. Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes.

"Well, I guess it's going to be a stressful day for us tomorrow." He said as he stand up. You looked at him to see him smiling at you sincerely, "I see that you are really tired today." He said softly(Fuck me, I'm making him too soft.).

𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫. ]Where stories live. Discover now