(1920's) VIII

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"Al~" Mimzy said as she waved at the man that she called.

Alastor's and Anthony's attention were driven to her. Clearly, Anthony shows annoyance in his facial expression, Mimzy ignored it since she also hates Anthony for also hating Al.

The flapper approached the two tall men. Anthony crossed his arms on his chest as he look down on Mimzy, who by the way, stand next to Alastor.

"Why, Hello there Mimzy! So glad to see you." Alastor said with a smile.

Mimzy smiled, "Of course you're glad!" She said with a giggle. But its not as wonderful as it's sounds unlike (Name).

Speaking of which, Alastor had lost track of where (Name) is. He needs to find her, pronto.

Mimzy looked at Anthony with a sly smirk, "And how are you on this fine evening, dear Anthony?" She asked.

Anthony ignored her.

"I'm going to find that gal." He said as he walk away hands on his pocket.

"Gal?" Mimzy said confused, she look back up to Al, "Was that the woman you're with earlier? Who is she?" Mimzy asked Alastor.

Alastor tried not to get annoyed by his best friend tone of voice. Clearly, just by listening to Mimzy asking who (Name) is, he could sense the jealousy on her voice, which Alastor finds very. . .Annoying.

Once Alastor couldn't see Anthony anywhere, he walked away leaving Mimzy confused.

"Al! Where you off to hun?" She asked, trying to catch up with him. Alastor have the same smile, and was thinking where (Name) is.

"Why looking for my date of course!" He said, not looking back at Mimzy, but still she followed him.

"Date?" She sounded so. . .sad. but Alastor gives no zero attention to it since he's been longing to see that sweet Baker, even though it's been half an hour since he last saw her.

Alastor is obsessed, and his sanity is dropping to zero everytime he hasn't seen a glimpse of you.

One reason why Al always like to go to your little bakery before he start off his broadcast. You just kept him same with that smile of yours.

Mimzy frowned, but still followed him. Then an idea popped up in her cute little head once she heard the slow and romantic song.

"Al~" she called giving a little tone to that. Al didn't give no zero attention, still.

"Come give me a dance! Then after that we'll find that date of yours." She said as she cling on his arms, looking up to him.

This made Alastor stopped from his track. He's getting impatient, and Mimzy is testing him. He doesn't want to hurt his own best friend, but right now, all he wanted is for her to shut up and leave him alone. She's not you.

"Mimzy, I am in a hurry. My date can not handle herself in such a big crowd." He simply said, trying not to snap at her, but clearly his mind is in brink of insanity.

This wouldn't happen if Anthony hadn't ruin his night, and right now that he couldn't see (Name) everywhere sends him off edge. Not that his best friend is getting on his nerves.

Mimzy slightly glare, "She's already a grown woman! She can handle herself just fine! You haven't even greeted once you stepped in here!" She slightly shouted, in anger and jealousy.

"Mimzy. What do you want?" Alastor asked, his smile there, but his voice says the opposite. It sounded cold, serious, and intimidating. But Mimzy is not scared. She knows that Al is just annoyed and wouldn't even dare to lay a finger on her.

(Avis: I'd say "sike" but that'll ruin everything || Author: GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU DRUNK FOURTHWALL BREAKER!)

Mimzy giggled, a fucking bipolar, "I want you to give me a dance!"

Alastor looked at her for awhile while Mimzy smiled at him. But when he caught a glimpse of that red beautiful dress, he knows that he needed to go see his little Baker.

"I'm afraid that I am not going to be able to give that to you." He said, looking away from Mimzy and towards (Name) who he now saw with her best friend Greg.

Alastor gritted his teeth.

Why does his night keeps on getting even more worse?

"Oh come on Al-Don't tell me you wanted to dance all night with that girl you just met a few days ago-"

"Mimzy. If I were, I'd say it's the best for you to shut up before I cut that little cute tongue of yours." He said with an insane smile. His eyes shows sanity as he look down at Mimzy.

Mimzy gulped. Fear crepting up into her chest.

Alastor walked away from her leaving her terrified.

Mimzy was fully aware of how deranged he is, but she just got too comfortable and was blinded by infatuation.

He watched from the distance as Greg offered you a dance, which you took gladly with a smile. He glared at the big man. Sure Greg may have a good built but Alastor was more powerful than he looks.

He's going to be sure to warn that man. Just one warning, if he doesn't stay away, then so be it. Death it is.


Fast update, and a little short.

This is going to be the last fast update I'm going to give you guys, so probably, see you guys next saturday-

Hope you can wait thought! Thanks for reading♥♥♥


Under editing.

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