(2020's) VII

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Getting kind of lazy to finish this book. So this might be the last chapter🙊


Today's class is pretty much boring for you, especially when it's about the history of ancient Egypt(History of ancient Egypt is cool, but it's not cool when the one who's presenting it is boring.) and it always made your head go up in the clouds as you absent-mindedly stare outside as you rest your chin on your hand. Not even minding to listen to what your professor is saying.

"Psst! Hey! (Name)!" A shout whisper called for you attention. It was familiar.

And of course, once you take a notice to it, you saw the Magne twins grinning at you playfully. Just about one seat apart from is you Avis, and behind her is her twin brother Avix. She showed you a little crumbled paper in between her fingers.

She signed herself that she's going to throw it to you. And of course, you have to stealthy so the prof won't notice your movement. You're not very good at that.

Avis then throw the paper and it landed to the person behind you. It was the quiet kid, a geek, with cloudy glasses and jet black hair a little messy, bangs too long that it can clearly cover his eye(glasses).

You looked behind you to look at him. He received the paper and curiously examined it.

"Hey," you whispered. He, of course, heard and looked at you.

And there you saw his magenta eyes. Like wow, you didn't even notice that.

You sheepishly smiled at him, "Hi, uhm, I think that crumbled paper is mine." You whispered loud enough for him to hear. And only him.

He handed you the paper without saying any word. You were about to reach it when someone else did.

The paper was snatched from the quiet kids hand, you look up to see the strict expression of your professor.

"Passing notes in my class Mr. Lee and Ms. (Last name)?" He strictly asked, raising a brow to the two of you.

The both of you then looked at each other. The whole class looked at the both of you in silence. You didn't bother to notice the twins expression as they seem to hold a laugh. You sigh and just stayed quiet as you look at your professor.

"Now let's see what you guys have been up to." He said as started to open the crumbled paper.

And then you heard the muffled laugh from Avis, and Avix on the other hand has his head down, clearly hiding his face as he trembles. Probably due to forcing in a laugh.

And there, the prof read the message on the paper out loud in the class.

"Hey, (Name)! Who are all the noodles in ancient Egypt?" He said, raising a brow as he paused. He squinted his eyes to adjust his vision to the little words at under the main message, he continued, "Its King tootin'ramen." He said.

Everyone in the class snorts, as you muffled a laugh, clasping your hands on your mouth preventing to make a sound.

Then after that, the professor crumbled the paper once again as he looked around the class. Everyone was laughing and making a sound, especially to that joke he just read ever so funny.

"Alright! Who wrote that?" He asked, he then looked at the quiet kid, "Was it you?"

Quickly the quiet kid shook his head, refusing to look at the professors eyes.

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