(1920's) I

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New Orleans, Louisiana

[5:45 a.m]


It's a little early today, but knowing it has a good opportunity to get more costumer, you hurriedly packed your belongings on your small (Fav/c) purse as you grab your store keys and head out of your little apartment in the little town of New Orleans.

You have a small business, it doesn't have a million of income but it is stable enough to pay all your expenses. Though you have to work on your own since having more workers will cause shortage in money and with the bills getting more expensive, you will not risk it.

You patiently wait for the ford car to escort you with a small smile on your lips, thinking of the things that make you smile. Desperate to entertain yourself before you doze off in exhaustion.

"Ey! Good morning Miss! Would like some newspapers?" A child offered, a boy exact and if you pinpoint his age- kinda in his early teens.

You crouch down to his height to look polite, and approachable "Sure hun. How much?" You asked tilting your head in habit.

The boy replied, "Only 2¢ please!" He said politely as he grab one of the newspapers inside his brown leather, shoulder bag.

And when he handed you the newspaper, you lend him the money consist of 5¢

Hey at least, you've helped the boy even just a littlest bit, he deserves it.

Before you could walk away, the small child stopped you by saying:

"Uh, Miss? This is too much-the newspaper only costs 2¢!"

"It's a no problem, dear. You can have the change." You replied softly with a bright smile

Then kid's mood lit up, a pink blush coating his chubby cheeks and giving you a toothy smile, a smile where the front has some missing tooth but still manage to look so adorable

"Thank you!"

"You're very welcome!"
It wasn't a long ride, the automobile hilt at your destination.

You could see the changes, though the ride is expensive but you have no choice... since-

Walking is a pain in the ass, the train station is too far away and bicycle? you don't know how to ride that shit

Opening the store, clean it and then water the plants before you could finally bake.

In the middle of your work, a lady who always buy chiffon cake at your store passes by.
She greeted you, catching your attention.

"Aren't you a little too early (Name)?" she asked, her voice trembles with the fact how old she is.

"Have you baked any Chiffon cakes yet?" She jokes and as to prove it further, she chuckled.

"Oh! Hello Mrs. Kursh! Yes, I am little too early but opportunity comes and I don't want to miss it!" You beamed with determination.

Somehow with you, the lady was reminded of the youth

You continued with a giggle "And no, I haven't started to bake yet." placing down the watering material next to the garden soil-

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