(2020's) XIX

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Pasensiya na sa pahinang ito mga magaganda kong mambabasa. Pero kung sa kabilang banda, hindi ka naman na inosente para dito. Lmao, charot, itong chapter na toh, hindi naman to yung inaakalang mong SPG. enjoy~


As he did say those words. Those short words to you, you veins in your temple starts thumping rapidly as you're beginning to have a massive, unbearable headache.

Groaning in pain as you crouch down holding your head. Alastor just watched you and didn't seemed to move as he seemed too deep inside his thoughts that he didn't realized that your memories are triggering.

"Fuck..." You groan in pain as you try to force yourself to stand up straight again. Well, you asked for it, so he's going to give it to you.

Taking your glare towards the red suit McGee of a radio demon, you called him out, "Demon! Why the hell are you standing still? Tell me already so I can somehow ease this fucking headache!" You cursed at him.

He seemed to snapped out and when he saw you having a existential crisis, he quickly got in to your aid by pulling you close in his grasp.

"Darling dear, you don't need to force yourself to remember." He said his jaw clenched, is he really doing this?

You noticed his sudden pause and rolled your eyes still trying to bear the pain. Only one way to set this pain away, you spoke, "Demon. I order you to tell me already." You said in a serious tone.

Alastor sigh as he grin, "Fine then."



ell, that was a short adventure into the living world. Currently, the head demon Butler of hell, and the personal Butler of Lilith, Marianne "Martin" Bennett:

|| beautiful art by xXRenkoYukiXx praise them guys, please! The arts they have on their art book is total gold and diamond! Totally worth seeing! ||

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|| beautiful art by xXRenkoYukiXx praise them guys, please! The arts they have on their art book is total gold and diamond! Totally worth seeing! ||

Is going back to hell since they're ordered to by of course, Lucifer. Worried at the same that they might have failed to kill and take information on the run away of a human.

One thing she learned is that...

She's with someone else. A companion, and personally the good friend of Lucifer,

It was Alastor, the Radio Demon.


You asked for it. You tally asked for it. You know that you're going to sign up for the pain in your head since you know, and you've realized that this, your life right now, is your second life. And something inside you was telling you to know who you really are and what you sure to be back in your old life.

And you know, once you ordered this Demon to show you who you really are, you know that he's going to obey it. That was the deal.

Of course, he's going to obey it. Might as well help you remember. Though he needed to ask first—

"Do you want to remember it faster? My love?" He asked as he pulls away from just by a little to look at your face.

And this time, he expected to see your flush state, but only he can see in your expression is pain(and suffering).

You nodded and growled, he also think that was a adorable, "Of course damnit! Just do it already!" You shouted which sounded more of just a whined.

He chuckled and ignoring the fact that you're dealing with a unbearable pain. He sigh, "Alright."

What happens next is what you didn't expect. Without letting you react, Alastor had leaned in and kissed you in your lips, his eyes weren't closed as he watches your eyes grew wide as your whole face turns into a bright shade of  red as it reaches to your ears.

He took this in more further as he grabbed your chin to open a opening on your mouth, and once he did, he wasted no time to slip in his tongue.

The once "Make you remember" kiss now turned into a heated make out session when your whole body and mind decided to kiss him back by snaking your arms around his neck asking for a support since all of this is making your knees go wobble.

He noticed it and smirked, as well as you can feel it in your lips. And within moments, you had already snaked your legs around Alastor's hips as he carries you in his arms, light as a feather.

And with that—

Your visions went black.


Sorry for the short chapter—

Here, Have an Angel named Gabriel to guide you and your sins to a lazy day!

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Here, Have an Angel named Gabriel to guide you and your sins to a lazy day!

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