(1920's) IX

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Last night was a blast. Not a modern blast, but a fancy yet enjoyable blast.

Though, Greg didn't like how Alastor treated him last night. He can feel his hatred towards him, and that's saying. He also gave the same treatment, but not infront of (Name). But, on the negative side, Alastor had the very right to be angry at him. I mean, (Name) was his date last night and he just offered her a dance. Not to mention that Alastor was watching them both with a menacing smile.

(Name) was so naive to notice the hatred that's been riding on both gentlemen last night.

But, Greg's worried. He doesn't like Alastor's gaze on him last night. He notice the rage, and of course, the blood lust on his eyes. Though, Greg payed no attention to it since for the fact that he, himself, can fend off any threats.

But he was clearly drained last night, right after seeing how (Name) blush while dancing, talking, laughing with Alastor. He's jealous, if he can admit that. But when he headed Alastor offered you to take you home and you agreed with a sweet smile, he knows right there, that he lost his league to Alastor. But. . .

He's not giving up on you. He knows you too well. You're not just going to have an intimate relationship with the famous radio star, not until both of you known each other for so long, that's why he has hope. He hopes that one day you'll notice his feelings for you.


"Nifty, sweetheart, would you be a dear to fetch me my new coat in the market?" Alastor said as he took a sip of tea while he reads his newspaper, sitting on his elegant red furnished chair.

The little girl nodded with an excited smile, "Of course! What time though?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Al smiled softly, "Later when you finish your studies dear." He said, not looking at the small girl, but Nifty could see his soft smile.

"Will do, Sir!" Nifty goofily saluted while giggling.

Alastor chuckled as he saw, "You're one jolly girl Nifty my dear." He said.

Even though how much happy and relaxed he sound, he still can't wipe that happy smile on Greg's lips last night. Oh, how much he would want to rip that off.

"Mr. Alastor? Can I buy some new school supplies?" Nifty shyly asked, fidgeting her index fingers ever so cutely.

"It's a no problem. Just take care of the new coat alright?" He said, as he goes back on reading his news paper.

Nifty smiles, walking away after she nodded so quickly.

Nifty admired Alastor for his kind trait. Nifty grew up in the orphanage, and no one was willing to take her. Not until she escaped from that hell hole, and after then Alastor found her on the street. The man had softened a little so he took her in, but in exchange, Nifty will have to do half of the cleaning inside Alastor's Manor.

(He rich, wtf.)


Husk stared at the ceiling while laying on his back on the bed, "God. . .What happened last night?"

"Mmh. . .Husk?" A feminine voice called out on the his side. Husk knitted his brow to see. . .

"R-ROSIE?!" Husk shouted, jolting up then falling off the bed.

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