(2020's) XXVI

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[ Disclaimer: This chapter might have a lot of mistakes, words missing, it's because I haven't eaten anything for the last four days because I'm punishing myself for the things I've done. Basically, yes. So I hope you enjoy!]

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Alastor watch as Avis walk out of the shop. And when he saw her disappear from his visions, Alastor sigh and decided to look at you.

What he saw shocked him.

You're crying while staring off far. You didn't even make a sound, you just had years falling down from your eyes. Alastor knitted his brows as his smile flatten. And without asking, he pulled you in right into his arms. For the first time he ever say tears fall down into your beautiful face again, and damn did it crack something inside him.

And that's where you began to son as you realized that Alastor had pulled you in into a loveable, and passionate hug.

Alastor had placed his cold hand on your crown head, hushing you as he gently pats it.

"Shh, Darling, please don't cry." He said in a low, and gentle tone. Of course he knows how to comfort you. He may be a cold, dominant demon into the eyes of others, but to you? He's tamed deer.

You chocked on your sobs as you try to keep it real low since you don't want to draw anymore much attention inside the shop, "I-I don't get it...! S-She promised me S-She wouldn't l-leave me alone!" You said in between your cries.

Alastor took a deep breath, slightly pulling away and taking your chin softly and gentle to make you look up to him. Seeing as your tears is still falling down, he gently wipe it with his thumbs as he holds both of your soft cheeks.

"I'm here now, don't I?" He asked raising a brow and giving you a grin.

You sniffed, "I-I know. W-What I don't get is that she wouldn't give me a clear explanation." You said as you gripped on his sleeve.

Not noticing that some eyes were onto the two of you. Their jealous gaze seemed to unfazed the two of you. Whispering to one another.

And there's me with my friend.

"Shit, sana all..."

"Abby mag-tigil. College muna bago lalake."

"Tangina mo malandi ka rin."

"Puta, mana lang sayo."

Of course, Alastor heard them all but he can't seem to put his fingers as to what language they are talking to. Clearly, it wasn't all japanese.

He ignores it as he closed his eyes and replacing his sad smile with his regular one, "I think I may have the answer for that, dearest." He said as planted a kiss on your forehead.

You closed your eyes due to the contact and sniff once more, "Then why didn't you tell me sooner?" You asked.

Alastor holds your hand and started to pull you out of the shop, "Well, you didn't asked did you?"

And with that, you gave him a confused look as you thought:

"What a boomer."

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