(1920's) XXV

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On the way to your little bakery, you also expected to have an awkward silence between the beautiful woman, but no, you were wrong definitely wrong.

It's actually bugging you out since she asks stuff like, "Is that a bird?" When currently it's a butterfly. She's an odd woman, but then again you have to ask her as to why she has to act like she doesn't know everything from her surrounding.

"Ms. Lilith?" You called out to her, she looked at you and rose a brow.

"Yes?" She replied.

"How come you always ask what's on your surrounding? It's like you're not from this realm some sort of things like that?" You asked, sounding a little confident by then since you actually felt a little comfortable around her. She's easy going, and really, really nice.

"Oh, Well you see, this is the first time I've ever been outside my house." She lied, of course this is the first time she's ever been to the Mortal realm for the fact that it's been over more than a century since she last took a step in this realm.

You looked at her, eyes widening as you couldn't believe what she just said, "Are you serious?" You asked.

She sadly nodded, "I isolate myself inside my Mansion, but since my husband is being a worried little bean he took me outside, though I think he's probably looking for me now knowing the fact that i just left him in a big crowd." She said with a smile.

Talk about uncaring she is...

You thought, though you didn't bother to ask who her husband is for the fact that you two had already arrived in your bakery.

"Is this it?" She asked.

You look back to her after getting your keys on your purse, you nodded, "Yes, it is, it's gotten big since someone..." You paused, someone? Trying to remember something, you didn't even notice Lilith smirking at you.

"Someone?" She asked, you shake your head lightly and smiled sheepishly at her.

"I-I forgot..." You said, "B-But I swear she helped me-"

"She?" She asked again making you stop.

Did you seriously said 'She'? Absentmindedly?

"You forgot that certain someone who helped you grew your business?" She said, with a kind smile.

H-How did she know that?

"How did you know that?" You asked, starting to get suspicious of her.

Lilith giggled, "Just out of instinct since I'm a businesswoman myself." She lied.

You nodded, "Oh, I'm sorry I just really forgot. I don't even remember forgetting about them." You said as you open up your store.

Lilith patiently wait as she watch you carefully.

Darling Lucifer, what do you plan on doing to this kind woman?


"She was this tall!" Lucifer interpret her wife's height, "She has long blonde locks, and beautiful, very beautiful." He said. The Officer just eyed him suspiciously.

"You said she's your wife? How come you lost her?" He asked. That's the third time the officer asked him that and it's starting to get on his nerves. But still, he remained calm. He can sense Angels somewhere near him, and it's a good thing he change his appearance to a pleasing looking human.

"What seems to be the problem here?" A familiar voice asked. A smile find its way to Lucifer's mouth knowing for a fact that his little brother Avix, the twin brother of Avis is still here in the human realm.

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