(2020's) XXII

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Hello, I'm sorry for the last update. I've deleted the chapter and I just wanted to apologize for whatever shit I just did on the last update. I'm sorry for making you guys worried, I'm sorry that I had to force some of the readers(that hasn't fully read the whole book)read it. What I meant about 'Will be deleting in 7 days' what I meant about that is that I'll be deleting that update in 7 days. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I would've have explained it but I'm too drain to reply on all of the comments.

I'm really happy that you guys support me. And I'm so happy that we all made all the way to this. I'm so happy and motivated right. It's just that, at the that time I couldn't think straight, I'm so down and couldn't even think of any scenarios for every of my book and some of the comment hit me really since I was really vulnerable at that time. And once again, I'm really sorry for making you guys worried.

Don't worry! All the words and comments on that last update really helped me convinced myself that I will finish the book! Thank you for all those who have said such nice things I'm sorry I couldn't mention you all but still, I won't let your words go to waste. All the words that you guys have said are deeply appreciated. Thank you.

Thank you, really, thank you very much. And also, I'm so sorry for the long ass apology thingy. On with the chapter-!


1 month later

Last month, 2 weeks you didn't attend class and your parents are worried sick about your sudden disappearance. But it's a good thing someone manage to convinced them that you're fine and with someone else. Making them think that it's normal to have a Demon companion and have some demonic friends even though your Father is a very religious man.

Many things have happened of course. You've been trying to contact Avis but you can't seem to reach her. You couldn't talk to her or even see her. You contacted her brother but he would always change the subject or would stay quiet. Whatever happened to Avis, of course, you wouldn't know. Having without her having to tell you stories that goes from hell was different.

And of course, Alastor.

You tried to normalize the stuff. You are his past lover, and you know that you loved him but why are you still denying it? Fuck you, you are a tsundere. And man, Alastor is like, in his appearance is 30 years old, and you? You're a 16 years old of an potato. It's illegal!

But he convinced you that he can wait. For your right age, and for the right time.

"Darling, I've waited for you for how long? Almost a hundred years. Of course I can wait for you to turn on your right age." He said with a sincere smile as he say beside you while you're reading your book. Having to be gone in class in 2 weeks last month, you'll be needing to catch up on your studies.

With that, it caught your attention and looked at him, "No shit. But please, refrain your fucking self from advancing. I'm 16 oh my sweet Jesus." You said as you rolled your eyes and avoided his gaze.

He laughed and summoned his favorite book from hell, "No promises my dear (Name)." Oh, how he's glad that your feelings for him are back. There's no more hiding. There's no more fear that resonate inside him about him getting to hug and touch you again. He's back at being him again.

But one thing he missed is that the old time. Where you make him your famous black coffee, maybe even cook with him, walk around the town. Those good old days that he missed. And he wished he could bring it back, but alas, modern society is a judge machine, and he can't risk you being harassed by some puny mortals.

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