(2020's) XXVII

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"CAN YOU FUCKING SHUT UP! IM TRYING TO READ!" Kevin shouted angrily as he tries to compose himself from hitting his younger sister.

Avis pointed at him with her index finger as she seems to slum her face into the gold colored squared pillow, "YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND BITCH!" She shouted though it came out as muffled one.

Kevin take off his glasses and pinch the bridge of his nose. Avix smiled and laugh nervously.

Avix spoke, "Calm down, Kev. She's not usually this loud when she sulks. Give her 1 year." He said laughing nervously.

Kevin glared at him, "One year?! Oh, for fucks sakes, I'm going back to my hell." He said as he slammed the book closed as he stand up from his seat, leaving the room.

Avix watched as Kevin slams the door shut, grumbling under his breath of how annoying his little sister is becoming. Avix scoffs as he turns his attention to his sister sulking her face into the pillow. Putting his hand on her hand, and softly patting her.

"It's alright, sis. I'm sure that Red suit McGee had explained your motives to your best friend." He said with a soft smile. That usual Asian smile he had, but more soft.

Can't believe I'm seeing these two being soft on each other, it's, yuck- !

"Nooooooo! I fucked up! She will probably hate me forever! Even so! Ill be seeing her a lot here in hell! I can't! I FUCKED UP TWO TIMES NOW!!" She said, still muffled, as she throws her hands around. Wiggling around like a little girl who didn't get her Christmas present.

Avix sigh and laid down next to her, facing towards the ceiling That's full of paintings, Avix stared.

"Well, you're lucky that your human got reincarnated..." Avix said sadly, his smile disappearing.

Avis looked at him, hair all over her face as he stare at her twin brother sympathetically. She didn't replied, as she noticed that Avix wanted to say more than those words that came out of his mouth.

"I miss my Human. Too bad he didn't end up here." He said as he scoffs, "I tried giving him the justice he deserved but I got sidetracked because you tasked me something." He said, no, his voice didn't broke. He just sounded so sad.

Avis frowned and turn her body around, just the same as he brother and join him from staring the painted ceiling. She sigh, "I'm sorry, Vix." She said.

Avix chuckled, "It's alright, Sis. At least, we got through our rough years together. That's enough for me." He said as he gave her a half hearted smile.

Avis manage to give him a sad smile.

Lucifer at the door staring at the two staring at the ceiling with both of their hands up, "What are those two doing?" He said to himself.

He didn't even realized that his son Levi, who's currently eating something with his mouth full replied to his father's word, "Being weird, I guess?" He said as he raised both of his shoulder.

Startled Lucifer looked at him surprised, "Where did you come from?!"

Levi chuckled, almost choking on his food. But covering it with a cough, doing a jazz hand he spoke, "Through the walls."

Lucifer's stare hardened, "That's it. Royal lessons with your Uncle Miller!" He said.

Levi's face had gone paled, remembering what had happened on his last royal lesson with his Lustful of an Uncle, he started to slowly back away from his father, "No, No, Don't touch me there. It's what I told my but he didn't seem to care-"



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Stretching as you got out of the vehicle, You took a deep breath as Alastor smiled seeing how quickly your mood switch. He hoped that you wouldn't think of that crazy encounter with Avis earlier.

The mansion was much bigger than you have in US/Europe, But it didn't impress Alastor enough as it seemed that his Mansion in hell seemed more bigger than this.

"I'm lazy. Can you carry me, please?" You said to him, smiling as a mischievous glint in your eyes shines. And Alastor could see it clearly.

He raised a brow and smirk, "What kind of carry, My darling?" He asked, leaning close to your face. Trying to make you blush, but bitch, that ain't working anymore since you know, you've already gotten used to it.

Giving him a mischievous smirk, you place both of your hands onto his cold cheeks, which had taken him by surprise. Though, he didn't moved.

"Surprise me, Bitch." You said as you laugh, kind of hesteirically.

Alastor chuckled at your behavior as he cleared his throat. You looked at him for a second because of his short pause, but surprised when he lift you up and slam you(gently) on his shoulder.

You didn't expect that.

"HAHA! Like a dead body!" You said as you laugh, hanging yourself as he carries you towards the door.

Alastor sigh, though you couldn't see his reaction, "Darling, please don't say that." He said, his voice changing into a more worried, mostly, sad one.

Then you remembered that talking about stuff like that, it triggers him about your past death. Woops-

"Sorry..." You apologized.

"It's alright, Love. Don't say it next time." He said with a smirk.

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sorry it had gotten short. I'm preparing you for the upcoming surprise. And I hope you are ready. I think it'll be in the next chapter. So yesh-


I hope it had brought joy into your day/night! Thank you!

[Book is up coming close to the end-]

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