(2020's) XXXI

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Azazel's POV

"What are you doing?" I flinched when I heard my father's deep voice. I just ended the call with Damian and my grandfather will only know what he's going to do now. I gulped turning around and giving a goofy smile.

"Nothing. Just calling my friend." I said, slightly nervous. I will never be as good as my mother when it comes to hiding emotions. Damn it.

He raised a brow at me, "Who? Azazel?" He asked, slightly stern.

"D-Damian...?" I stuttered. Why the fuck did I stutter. I hate you Author.

My father stayed quiet for awhile, but was surprised when he rests his arm around my shoulder and giving me a slight noggie. It was painful, but I didn't react.

"Does your mother know?" He asked with a small smile. My father was never known to be smiling a lot, I don't know why my mom and him ever end up together. It was such a mystery...

I shook my head softly and smile, "She will never know." I said to him.

He smirk, "Good. She'll go mad if she does." He said as he starts walking towards the meeting hall where everyone, including my cousins are. I followed up to my father.

"I agree." I said as we both reach the door towards the meeting hall. It was one of those serious ones and for sure, the seven deadly sins are in their horrific demon form. And that'll make everyone inside the room quiet, even the most loud mouth of all, known as Velvet, will shut up for sure.

As the meeting went by, I can feel a sudden urge of visiting Damian right now. Something is definitely up with that deranged lunatic. But, who am I to judge? His life wasn't that normal unlike any other human beings. Speaking of that, I can sense another chaos coming, and it's not one of those crackhead chaos.

Uncle Luci us fuming out of rage, and so is Uncle Kevin. I stare at my mom who would always stop their rage and maybe even stop the fight, but she only has this flat smile on her lips, eyes glowing a bit, and kind of reminds me of Isabella from the promise Neverland. Dude, that anime is gold.

I took a deep breath and just rest my head on my table. Closing my eyes with a smile.

"Azazel, don't sleep now. Father will think it's disrespectful." Charlie said quietly and worried to me.

I glared at her, "Meh, I don't care." I said to her as I turn my head to the side where I couldn't see her.

"Come on, dude. Just be respectful for once." I heard Levi said.

I didn't looked back as I give him a middle finger in which he just groan. I smirk.

Finally, that forsaken meeting is done! It was soooo boring! Well, not boring. Uncle Luci and Kevin didn't manage to kill each other since Aunt Lilith stopped them both. It would've been fun trying to see them kill each other.

As I walk through this long ass hallway of the palace, Mother and Father went back to the 9th circle, leaving me here to do whatever the fuck I want. As I walk with both of my hands on my jeans pocket, I decided to sneak out towards the living world.

Visiting Damian and annoy the hell out of him would be fun. Besides, I am also helping him to hone his demonic powers. All similarities to his father.

Though the only thing he's frobbiden to do is to open the portal to here. Of course I wouldn't teach him that since it's dangerous also, he is a half human afterall in which can cost him his life.

I've consulted Alastor about this, and he did say that his son needed to live a life in the living world. I dunno why, but seems kind of legit to me.

Opening the portal and quickly entering. I ended up at Damian's front door of their Manor. It's quiet when he's usually playing video games, and sometimes shouting to his online teammates.

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