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This is me realizing I am not a good writer because I failed my English job interview that was a super simple freelance application and I failed, but I love it too much to stop. Hope you enjoy anyways.

Hours had passed and Nyx still had not eaten, or been capable of answering her door. There was at least two different people trying to reach her but she did not know what to think. She wasn't feeling like faking her injuries, she didn't feel like pretending to be stress-free, she didn't want to think about anything but Loki.

There was something dark laying over him these days. The other day he claimed there was a moment he couldn't remember. How hours just disappear and he couldn't recall what was going on within them. There must be a reason. She knew there was no possible way he wondered into the grasp of an enemy. But maybe that witch he went to gave him more than a mind block. Mother would have helped him surely, but he went to another witch. Why hadn't he gone to Frigga?

What could be so important that he had to put a wall into his head to prevent anyone from seeing into it? Was Loki really hiding something so treacherous he couldn't even tell Nyx? Frigga? The only reason she could think he wouldn't go to Frigga was because his plans were too impure and she would never agree to help him.

She couldn't wrap her head around it but before she had the chance to give up, her door was pushed open. She was on her feet, walking the length of her room with the cool breeze running through her deck.

"What's wrong with you?" it was Zillah.

"Why does everyone just barge into my room unannounced?" Nyx shot back, her usual sarcastic tone but her mind couldn't commit one-hundred percent.

"Because you leave it unlocked" Zillah joked, shutting it behind her locking the handle. "It's been an hour since high noon".

Nyx continued to pace, not caring if Zillah picked up on her current mood. Nyx already knew Zillah was onto her, how was she suppose to play it off when she literally sprinted across town and across the Rainbow Bridge?

"What happened? Why is your vanity destroyed?" she saw the effects of Nyx's outburst and hated to admit the fear she had for the young woman now. Zillah sounded concerned now, her full focus on Nyx, who's scattered expression only worsened the eery feeling Zillah felt in her stomach.

"It's a long story, Zillah. I am so sorry. I am so fucking sorry" Nyx fell onto her bed with her hands on her head and her heart racing. Her emotions had caught up with her and she realized she was more trapped than she thought. Her father had her on patrol, she was stuck on Asgard for who knew how long, she couldn't freely be with Loki, she couldn't kiss him without feeling like she was dirty, she couldn't understand what Heimdall saw, what he meant by loosing control, she couldn't believe what Heimdall said might be true, she couldn't do anything, not even comfort her own mother for she was too aggravated with Odin and too depressed to come to a conclusion of his inevitable death.

"Nyx" Zillah was suddenly at her side, not touching her to comfort her, but placing a hand on her knee, letting her know she was there. But Nyx did the unexpected and turned, closing her grasp around the shorter girl with a tight grip.

"I want to tell you what I've been through but I can never let the words leave my lips" Nyx almost sobbed, tears running down her crimson face, out of sight of the other girl. She couldn't bare another seeing her in such a broken, vulnerable state. She hated crying.

"Is it worth your decomposition? This is clearly eating you up" Zillah questioned.

Nyx had to think, what the outcome would be if she did tell the truth; the whole truth. If the kingdom knew of Loki' blood, it would destroy him, they would never be so trusting. It would destroy everything: Loki, Nyx, Thor, Frigga, the Odinson name, the kingdom, the war.

"Yes" she pulled away. "It must". Then if anyone knew she had kissed him, still unaware of his name, they would disown her, cast her out along with her brother, possibly destroy the Odinson name as well.

"Nyx..." there was something in her voice that was so compelling, she felt bad for keeping secrets from her best friend but it was too hard to tell the truth.

"Can you just do my hair for the day?" she interupted stubbornly. Zillah wanted nothing more than to sit and listen to every heartache the young Princess has to bare, but even as her best friend, she was still a royal servant.

She frowned, unable to oppose. Zillah took the liberty of pulling combs and brushes, pins, and hair ties from Nyx's tattered and shattered vanity. She turned and faced a bleary-eyes girl who looked just as broken. Almost on cue, Nyx stood and faced herself in the broken pieces of the mirror.

Nyx sat in silence for what seemed like hours before Zillah patted her shoulders encouragingly and announced she would leave the girl in peace. She didn't move even when Zillah had left the room. She just sat there, staring back into her broken reflection. 


There was no reply. 

She waited patiently for a reply, but there was not a single word in her mind. 

The stress of was unbearable and there was nothing Nyx could do to ease it. There was only one way there was a chance of making things easier on her,  a way of knowing the truth, a way to distract herself from her own mind, to do the exact opposite of what Heimdall told her to do. 

Yes this is short. Also, this is a shameful plug. I am promoting Psychotic Sheep's beauty line, a gothic, emo, and dark, beauty brand that makes hair growth serums that actually work, bath bombs, lotions, etc. If you'd like some metaphorically dark beauty supplies that match your demented soul, email us at psychoticsheep2020 at gmail.com. Love y'all!


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