Dangerous Forces

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Nyx was too caught up in her thoughts to notice if Tony took 'Caps' suggestion or where exactly they were. It wasn't until she stepped off the aircraft did her heart go out to Loki. Her eyes went up from the ground and met the back of his head. His well-manicured head of hair was now an overly-shiny mess. His hair had grown long but it was very stringy and oily now. She wondered if it was from the foreignness of Midgard or if he hadn't cared enough to take care of himself.

She followed closely behind Loki with her mind in one place and her eyes everywhere else. She soaked in new information as she observed her new surroundings. Nearly half a dozen men dressed in black armor approached them with haste, one coming straight to Loki and clasping his hands behind his back. Nyx narrowed her protection spell even closer to surround only an inch outside her body so she could weave in and out of people's ways.

Loki and Thor were the first off the aircraft, then everyone else followed. Nyx couldn't even fathom the idea of leaving Loki alone in the hands of these strangers so she was forced to follow close behind him and the guards.

Thor had left Loki and the others on the aircraft seemed to wander off.

So Nyx was left alone with these unnerving looking men who had Loki in their clutches. Though, Nyx much more preferred the company of any guard on Asgard to these Midgardian guards. These men had every inch of skin covered in a dark cloth or metal armor. At least the palaces guards were good company and she could actually make eye contact with them.

They seemed to have landed on a levitating platform, not quite like anything Nyx had seen before. She tried to peer over the edges but everyone was moving Loki into a building so she had no time to see where they were. But all she knew was that there were no trees or mountains that she could see through the thick dark clouds looming all around them. Judging by how close they were to the gloomy clouds, she assumed they were still in the sky.

She made sure to follow the guards inside, feeling anxious as she was alone and in a new environment completely.

She tried to enter Loki's mind, to wonder, to ask questions, to figure out what was going on, but she couldn't reach him. She couldn't access his mind. She quickly drew to the conclusion of another enchantment blocking off his mind to telepaths like her since that's what he did when he was ruling over Asgard whilst Odin was in a slumber. It only made sense for him to do it again after killing all those people. And if Thor was right, if Loki hid something of importance, he wouldn't be idiotic enough to leave his mind so vulnerable.

Nyx was beyond furious, she was hurt and confused and rapidly feeling every emotion known to the Gods.

She felt betrayed, she felt like Loki was the master of manipulation. She knew this and yet thought he loved her enough to spare her of his crimes.

Nyx felt fearful. Scared she would falter, fail, be weak. She was weak when Loki fell from Asgard. She was useless then and she was useless when she let grief consume her. Now, she didn't know what she was. She knew she was weak, but to let other people know it too was just too much. She wouldn't be able to come back from it.

She felt angry. She was frustrated with Loki and his deceitful wits, with Thor and his secret decision-making, with herself. It was undeniable, how much she would sacrifice for him. She would turn every planet upside down if it meant he was safe and happy. But he didn't deserve it. The things he said, the way he said them, he didn't deserve an ounce of respect, of joy, of hope, of sympathy, he didn't deserve anything but cold shoulders.

And yet she did. She gave him sympathy, she gave him empathy, support, care, love, and she couldn't believe it to be true. She knew Loki like he was the other half of her soul and she knew he was the God of Mischief and craved mayhem, but she still believed him to have good intentions. Pieces of him seemed to disappear over time and she hated it.

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