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Trigger Warning

Nyx had woken up from her slumber with the sound of loud knocking at her door. They sounded urgent so she went to the door to face two heavily armored guards with worried looks on their weary faces. "Princess, it's your younger brother. He's screaming and nobody can get him to calm down or wake up. We were hoping you can aid him without having to wake our Majesty from her slumber." one guard asked.

Nyx rubbed her eye with the back of her hand, their words coming out too quickly for her to comprehend them at the same speed. She took a pause before yawning, quickly nodding her head, and briskly making her way down a level. Guards were all looking down the corridor as she strode passed them with sympathy. She had arrived at Loki's door which was the only open one in the entire hall. A guard held it open as another tried to wake the sleeping god.

"Move, he won't like waking up to you being in here. Get out." Nyx warned, quickly getting to the screaming man and waving the guards off before they shut the door. With a flick of the wrist, Nyx lit his room up with candlelight, six on the walls and two on his desk and bedside table.

"Loki!" she reached out and touched the sticky skin of Loki's face. His eyebrows were furrowed harshly and she watched as his eyes scanned the backs of his eyelids. She hated seeing him so upset.

She touched his temples and closed her eyes as concentration took over her body. Immediately the screaming had muffled to a simple whimper, tears rolling down his cheeks and seizing. She searched his mind and recalled the horrors of his past. Being threatened of being cast out if he had not helped Asgard battle their enemies. He was far too young to feel the weight of such a journey and condition. Even Thor was at a loss, but Loki was forced into being so heroic and yet no one seemed to notice his act of bravery.

After enduring such physical and emotional abuse, he was struggling to get back to the surface. She felt his pain and wished she had the power to mend his internal scars, to take his pain. But if he was not bleeding or bruised, she could not. It was the burden of her curse.

Loki... breathe. You're safe, Love.

He seemed to catch his breath and the room was chillingly silent now. Nyx had removed her hands and opened her eyes to see his tear-stained cheeks rosy now. He fought his drowsiness and fluttered his eyes open, an alarmingly blue iris was staring back at her now.

"What happened?" he asked, noticing her sympathetic gaze and the fact that her hand had been resting upon his own in a comforting attempt to help him.

"You're okay now, Loki. It was just a nightmare." she eased, pulling him up and embracing him in a supportive hug. She nuzzled her face into his sweating neck and held him close, the pace of his heart racing through his shirt.

"It was horrible, what I saw. I didn't want to, Nyx-" he was cut off with a soft shush from Nyx, who had furrowed her brows, a tear rolling down her cheek just imagining what he had undergone. No man or woman should ever have to deal with the torment of having their virtue taken away from them, and at the forceful hand of their own father. Whether that be by their father or setup by their father, no one deserved to be taken advantage of.

He never wanted to go into the woods with that large steed in the first place, he hadn't wanted anything to do with it. To have to give birth was something he would never forget. When he saw the eight legged monster leave his body he didn't feel relief or love, he felt disgraceful and disgusting. He wanted nothing more than to be taken away, to leave his used body.

"It's never going to happen again. I swear on it." Nyx bit back her choking tears and quickly wiped away the tear as she let go of Loki. His hand went to hers with a tight grip. "Please don't go, I don't want him coming back." Loki's lip popped out from his mouth and Nyx couldn't help but obliged.

For a moment she wondered if it were the steed he was afraid of or their father. She didn't ask.

"Shhh. I promise, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you." she promised, turning and holding him in her arms, cradling his tense body. He nuzzled into her neck, his eyes so heavy and swelled with tears he had to close them.

Nyx rested her head on top of his soft black hair and huffed out a breath, feeling the relief as he slowly faded back into sleep. She tried moving from her position but he refused to let go of her. His hands were digging into her skin but she didn't dare adjust him. She stayed all night, running her fingers through his hair as he slept, keeping him asleep for the rest of the night. He hadn't budge and neither did she. Nyx could never recall a night she did not wake up in the middle of it to adjust her position from cramping or pinching. But that night she slept well.

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