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Despite wanting things to be easier, to be able to tell him how much she loves him, she couldn't. He was thinking like the enemy, like he had something to prove and something to take. She wanted to confess how deeply she felt for him now that she could, but instead she kept telling him to lay low and think about what his actions will cause.

Then after that there would be another short-lived argument. Then they would keep talking about how they needed each other, and it kept going full circle until the sun had risen in Asgard.

She felt more than tired, she was utterly exhausted. Her telepathy took all her energy from her, and the fact she wasn't eating right wouldn't help either. She warned Loki to halt or she would have no other choice but to tell Thor exactly what he was planning. Nyx knew there was only so much she could say or do, and she would never take this to Odin, even if lives depended on it. Because there were lives depending on it: Loki's.

That was the one and only thing that could hurt him and in the process, hurt her even more. So, all she could do was threaten to tell Thor. She just had to hope he didn't tell Odin because the heavens knew he would want to.

But Midgardians would reject him, and they had a right to. They didn't need another high-powered being ruling over them. They were simpler creatures, but inevitably, they thought a lot more than Asgardians, making them systematically smarter. They knew how to survive with what little time they were given and without things like godly powers or a better understanding of the universe.

So, even as she tried to drift off to sleep just as the moon had, there was a knock on her door.

"It's open!" she shouted, pulling herself back upright from her silk seeing as she had no time to sleep after speaking with Loki.

Her door opened to reveal her brother. He was looking towards her with a sympathetic look in his eyes, almost like he was trying to see if she was doing any better or if she was any worse. She smiled.

"Thor," she sighed sleepily. She found it humbling for her brother to be the first to worry about her. It was endearing to know and feel his support and affection, even in the smallest of gestures. She just hoped this was out of love and not because she was a liability. "good morning."

"Good morning." he replied, his smile brightening the room. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I... just woke up." she giggled, slowly moving her legs from beneath her blanket as she moved the frizzy blonde hair over her back.

"Great!" his hands came together in front of his chest before he pulled the door wide open and two maidens came in with large trays covered with a golden covering.

"Princess." they both announced with a bow to their head before propping either tray down on her bedside tables.

"Thank you." she too bowed her head as she gathered her white sleepwear into her hands with a soft, appreciative smile.

"I'll let you get dressed before breakfast." Thor assured, following the women out into the corridor so Nyx could have some privacy.

She only sighed, feeling a small weight lift from her chest. She pulled on a loose white shirt with a black corset at her waist, pulling on a pair of leather pants to compliment it. She quickly ran a brush through her hair and threw it up into a hair tie before letting Thor inside.

They sat together on her bed as they had breakfast. After making an adoring comment about his little sister dressing like a man and still having the eyes of every Asgardian on the planet, Thor explained everything that was going on in the palace. Treaties were being made and some weren't, Odin was giving him much reign over the kingdom with background supervision. He was striving and Nyx couldn't have been more proud.

Thor had become something amazing. He was strong and suddenly selfless. What happened to him on Midgard was for the better, despite all the pain everyone felt, it changed everyone and for the better. Thor turned into a respectable man worthy of many things, Odin stepped back from restraining the Princess, Nyx fell in love, and well.... then there was Loki.

He didn't gain anything but betrayal. He always seemed to get the short hand of the stick and if Odin would just accept him for who he is, for what he can become, to treat him as an equal, there would be unity. But until Odin looked at Loki as anything other than a Frost Giant, an enemy, or a betrayer to the throne, Loki would suffer.

She struggled to keep it all to herself. She wanted to talk about how to approach him, what to say, how to say it, how to convince him that what he's doing is bad. But this was Thor, her brother. She couldn't ask him when Loki was essentially his brother. It was complicated. Thor grew up with the brother Loki and sister Nyx. Nyx grew up with brother Thor but Loki was different and he always was. She couldn't go to him about her feelings. She couldn't even talk about the night before.

With dissent, Nyx follower Thor to the bottom floor. She quickly splashed her face with water and applied the cleansers and serums Zillah told her to her before heading to the training room. Thor disappeared to handle matters in town but Nyx had requested Brynjar. She wanted to speak to him again, she wanted to see how he was doing.

She did wonder if he told anyone of that night she revealed her powers to him, but favored his secrecy as no one since has mentioned it to her or shown their distaste for her secret yet. When she suited herself up with black and golden plating that covered the fronts and backs of her legs and torso, she turned and met his dark stare.

"Miss Nyx." he bowed, the elegance of his posture reminding her of how she looked and carried herself. She was nothing like how she was supposed to be. She wore pants and closed-toe shoes. She spoke vulgarly and hardly wore much makeup. She would like to have her hair pulled into a bun over having Zillah do it for her, she preferred to dress herself, she didn't walk like her mother but brother. She wasn't cut out for royalty yet she was born into it.

"Brynjar," she tried to smile, when really, all she wished to do was cry into his shoulder while she confessed the severity of her apologies. She hated how she stole the most precious thing from him and left him so suddenly, confused him, lied to him. She needed to make things right. "how are you?"

His brows furrowed but nonetheless he smiled. His eyes were of the kind warm kind, a smooth brown like brewed coffee with beautiful spikes of gold and hazel. He exhaled as he thought for a moment. "I will be alright. How may I assist you today, Nyx? Duels, training, sparing?" he wondered, obviously trying to change the subject from his well-being to his duty.

"I want to finish the day we had, the day I wish I could change...."

He cast a disheartened gaze upon her. "Are you sure? I apologize for my incredulity but I don't think you're in much of a fighting state." he advised.

She nodded her head. "I won't get stronger if I don't train. I've eaten, now it's time to turn that into fuel." she explained, turning to grab a long sword from the onyx slab of the weaponry. "Can you ever forgive me? For that day?"

She turned, and found Brynjar with his hand on the hilt of his belt. "Of course," he seemed stunned to even be questioned with forgiveness. "it is I who wish you grant me your forgiveness. I'm so sorry for your loss and my vagueness. I needed a few days to comprehend your voice in my very head. I'm so sorry I didn't push harder."

"No," she smiled tenderly. "you've given me more than I deserve and I appreciate your honesty and your loyalty." she allowed her eyes to fall to his sword, waiting for him to pull it from his belt as she found a stance that suited her protection best.

He tried at a smile, though it was obvious that he still felt down. "I haven't told a soul in case you were wondering, though you might not because you read my mind." he chuckled, earning one in return from Nyx.

"Only when I wish to, and I want to give you all the privacy in the world for your service, Brynjar. Thank you." she confessed sincerely.

"I will forever be in your debt for your unwavering kindness and devotion to my being. Thank you."

Progress. I love Nyx and Brynjar's relationship, it's sweet. I hope you enjoyed despite this being a filler. Love y'all!


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