Kings and Queens

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Only one year later were Nyx and Thor's sparing sessions were relevantly more difficult. Nyx hadn't spoken a word about her telepathic connection to ones mind and she worked with Loki on how to control it. Focusing on their words rather than her own allowed her to listen in on their thoughts and keep herself hidden within her own skull.

But Thor had become bigger than Nyx, towering over her by several inches, not to mention the fact his biceps were possibly bigger than her own head. Thor only grew in arrogance but became better at concealing his next move.

Nyx held a single staff with sharp, obsidian blades protruding from either end, blocking Thor's mighty swings, creating golden sparks in the air as the blade of Thor's sword came in contact with the dark stone of the staff itself that lay in Nyx's hands.

Nyx tried not to rely on the mere power of telepathy but found herself enjoying triumph a little bit too much.

Swinging upwards, leaving a wide opportunity for Thor to strike his sister in the abdomen, Nyx brought down her staff and held the tip of the darkened blade to Thor's throat. Thor's knuckles cracked as his grip on the hilt of the sword that lay almost limp at his side, clenched.

"Injured" Nyx exhaled, trying to catch her breath before Thor tried some kind of trick on her. Growing up with two men like her own, Nyx knew there were always tricks to be played.

Then the blade only slid past Thor's neck, causing a thin red line to appear at his throat. Nyx pulled her staff to her body in a protective manner before looking up at Thor for some kind of snarky comment he was bound to make about her skills.

"You wouldn't leave me injured if we were in battle... would you?" Thor asked, the thick accent in his throat was raspy, almost too thick for his own sister to understand him.

Nyx was sadly surprised when the mood in the room was darkened with such a deep and meaningful question. She knew Thor was as loyal as a god could be, but she still feared of circumstances getting so bad that the truth was to come out eventually, causing much chaos among the family of five.

But she grew fond of Thor very quickly, admiring his intricate yet powerful strikes against her defense during battle, his sentiment that seemed to be long hidden from her and only now rising to the surface. She didn't want to keep it from him, he did nothing wrong and only made Nyx feel worse about cowering away from her brother.

Of course I wouldn't, Brother.

Thor seemed utterly shocked when a voice was heard in the back of his head, a voice that he couldn't help but recall as his younger sister. Thor dropped his sword, filling the room with a shallow clanging noise as the long sword bounced from the marble flooring only to fall back to the ground beneath its hilt.

"How did you..." Thor stared into Nyx's stormy eyes in question, his heart beating faster than before, regardless of the training, his heart seemed to struggle to find a reason to come to a slow.

"Don't tell father unless the topic comes upon you, brother. Loki promised me. Now you must promise me," Nyx said simply before turning, not daring to stare into her hurt brothers face, clearly upset at the fact that she hid from him.

"Why? Wait- Loki knows? But- why?" Thor followed his sister as she trailed back to the armory that remain still and silent, only a single guard watching the door as she came in with a swift nod of courtesy to the man.

Speak to me through here. I can't have people knowing about this before Father does. It'll only make things worse.

Nyx tried to explain through her own thoughts but Thor seemed too shocked to pay any mind to the fact there were people who were suppose to be oblivious to the fact.

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